Democrats presented their mayoral cards and will not set support for governor – La Discusión 2024-07-18 05:23:03

Yesterday, at the inclusive café Te Veo, the Democrats party presented its twenty-three candidates for councillors, who will compete in seven communes in the provinces of Punilla and Diguillín.

Although they will present mayoral cards in Ñiquén, Bulnes, Quillón, El Carmen and Pemuco, the big bet is on the Chillán-Chillán Viejo intercommune, where they will present eight candidates, five women and three men, among them, the current independent councilor for Chillán, Marina Crisóstomo.

Although the party will concentrate its forces on the elections for councilors, in the case of mayors and governor, it will leave its members free to act in order to support the candidate that best represents the principles of the new party.

“One of the great needs that politics has today is to position ourselves with a different offer, an offer that differentiates itself from the left and the right. We have opted for this position because there is a lot of polarization in the country, and we believe that today in terms of the policy of agreements, what is the programmatic offer, what means the progress in different public and municipal actions, we think that our candidates are going to occupy that political center that is absent today,” said the regional president of the group, Alberto Jarpa, who will seek reelection as regional councilor.

“We believe that to the extent that we can offer the electorate new, different faces, we have many people who are professionals, who have a career and an important personal trajectory, that will serve the municipalities so that the citizens also have a different view,” he added.

Although around twenty candidates were presented yesterday, Democrats are still negotiating and evaluating the incorporation of new candidates.

The names of those who will compete for a seat on the Regional Council will be announced in the coming days.

The electoral pact for both elections (cores and councilors) will be with Amarillos por Chile, however, unlike the latter party, Demócratas is not part of the table that includes the Chile Vamos groups.

The voice of the candidates

Felipe Catalán is one of the candidates that Democrats are supporting as a candidate for mayor in Quillón.

“Today we are a centrist option that wants to transcend these discussions that are so ideological and extreme from the left and the right, and we believe that we are an obviously valid option in terms of connecting with the community, connecting with interests and connecting with the entire electorate,” he said.

Marina Crisóstomo, meanwhile, will head the list of councilors in Chillán.

“This is a new opportunity to ‘de-segment’ the population, and for voters to have the opportunity to vote freely, now that voting is mandatory and the universe is much broader. It is necessary to go beyond the traditional parties a little. In fact, the party for which I was elected in 2021, the Green Ecologist Party, was a non-traditional party,” she said.

In the historic commune of Chillán Viejo, meanwhile, one of the Democrats’ candidates will be the former UBB academic, Domingo Sáez.

“Our purpose is to give ourselves the opportunity to do things differently, and different means maximizing the good and trying not to make the mistakes that are usually made. Therefore, our position is collaboration, management, projects, because we have the conditions to do things better for our neighbors, in this case, from Chillán Viejo,” he said.

#Democrats #presented #mayoral #cards #set #support #governor #Discusión



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