Rock girl even at the age of 74: Ricky Gal looks just hot

A natural phenomenon named Ricky Gal: the eternal rock girl is already 74 years old and looks better than ever. Get what looks oozing glam and meteor charisma she has

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Ricky Gal gave the show of her life this week, in two crazy performances at the Culture Hall in Tel Aviv to mark 55 years of a glorious career. We don’t know what to swoon over first – from the surprising Girl Power with Miri Mesika and Ninet Teib who jumped in for an electrifying guest appearance, or from the Queen Mother’s oozing glam looks.

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The shell wave in two hot looks: one – a silver-black sequined suit a la a disco ball with a sexy black lingerie tank top. The second block – the glittering jacket was replaced by a black crop jacket with lots of glam details. We also loved the makeup and the hair, and most of all the charisma pouring out from every possible direction. Congratulations on a 55 year career!

Ricky Gal in concert at the Culture Hall Photo: Orit Panini, Instagram @rikigalofficial

Ricky Gal in concert at the Culture Hall Photo: Orit Panini, Instagram @rikigalofficial



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