Patras: The images that do not honor us… Risk for Public Health and urban fires – 2024-07-17 10:20:35

Anarchic, in many places above all extremely dangerous for Public Health, as well as the cause of urban fires in the middle of summer and even heat, is Patra throughout the entire spectrum of the administrative boundaries of the Municipality.


THE “Peloponnese” it has become daily recipient of numerous complaints for negligence -for a long time- her Cleaning Service of the Municipality, while the internet is literally flooded with abandonment images and indifferencealthough the possibilities of the municipal machine are limited, due to its permanent understaffing, which partly justifies this “black” scene.

In the 55th Primary School, fortunately, the school is closed

The attitudes are many and indicative of the appalling situation:

On the beach of Patrasfrom the Cemetery and above the Beach Workhouses, the situation is permanent on the bridges, with a vast garbage dump!


In Akrotiri opposite the Vegetable Market

In Perivola, Dimitsani and Lefkippou, for more than a month the situation was unbearable.

– In Agyia, on Kazantzakis Street for many days. The same in Agios Konstantinos, with residents having… a balcony with a view, such that -jokingly- they say that “if at some point they clean and the landscape changes, their eyes will be disturbed”!

In the cemetery and the Workers' Residences of Patras Beach

In the cemetery and the Workers’ Residences of Patras Beach

– In Patras, at the 55th Primary Schoolon the back, the image is unacceptable

– In Bozaitika, in Agios Dimitriosin the urban fabric!

– In Bud squarewith an ignored (?) request to Civil Protection for gross area at the 12th Primary School of Patras

In Obrya, outside the local High School

In Obrya, outside the local High School

– In Akrotiri and Velestino, opposite the main entrance of the Vegetable Market

– In Obrya, outside the Gymnasium

– To Eleftheriou Venizelou the sidewalks littered with litter, twigs and trash. You are walking and you must continue on the expressway. Parents with strollers? People without sight?

– In Sychaina, on Aretha and Artemisiou streetsthe abandonment is worse than ever, since the area has become one big garbage dump.

Camp the carnage on the Heroes Polytechnic

Camp the carnage on the Heroes Polytechnic

For all of the above and even more, surely Municipality has an answer. Simply, one wonders, reasonably: Is there an open request to SenseCity, or in order to do the obvious and go clean, the citizen must be busy on the phones for 2-3 days and maybe something will be done? How much responsibility do citizens bear for depositing anything…anytime? How much do they cooperate with the Municipality for heavy objects and their transport to the right place, but also how much care do they take to comply with the Cleanliness Regulation?

On the other hand, municipal fees are collected normally and are constantly increasing!

In Eleftheriou Venizelou, sidewalks and slopes are full

In Eleftheriou Venizelou, sidewalks and slopes are full

What do the “lords” of the city say?

On the occasion of the above report on the parts of the city where there are bodies of garbage, “Peloponnisos” addressed the four municipal factions to ask for their opinion.

Why in July there is this image in the city was the question we addressed to the deputy mayor Prasinos Takis Petropoulosto the municipal councilor of “Patra-Enomeni” Philip Economouto the municipal councilor of the faction “Patra Great Again” George Angelopoulos and to the municipal councilor of “spiral” Charalambo Stanitsa.

T. PETROPOULOS: “The citizens are right, but…”


The Deputy Mayor for Greenery and Environment Takis Petropoulos stated: “First of all, citizens are right to demand the absolute, because they are taxed to cover all their needs.

The taxing state, in a city that has an area of ​​330 square kilometers, 45 kilometers of sea front, 4 forests within residential areas and is the third city in Greece in volume of urban green, has only 17 green workers and 2 employees in civil protection.

Regarding the arbitrary depositing of dry branches, grass on the sidewalks and in various places, let us all realize the need to follow the prescribed procedures and inform the Municipality in advance.

At the same time, as a municipal authority, we will continue to claim what belongs to us.”

F. ECONOMOU: “The municipal authority is late”


From the faction “Patra Enomeni” we spoke with the municipal councilor Filippos Oikonomou, who said:

“The danger of fire in the city was and remains great, because even today there are many plots of land uncultivated, even though the mayor at the last council said that they have all been cleared.

There are even today lots that are gross and a fine has not been imposed.

The municipality is responsible for the fact that the cleaning service does not work, as well as the fact that there are citizens who call to pick up bulky items and do not go to collect them. Of course, there is also responsibility for citizens who unload uncontrolled garbage.

And one last thing, we have arrived in the middle of July and the municipality is still cleaning, which should have been done since May.”

G. ANGELOPOULOS: “Heats and small bombs in the city”


From the “Patra Great Again” faction, the municipal councilor Giorgos Angelopoulos was appointed, who emphasized:

“Before criticizing and assigning responsibility for what happened during the recent fire, as well as the dangers that exist in many areas, the Municipality of Patreon should have taken care to have its house in order.

To have ensured that the necessary preventive works that are his responsibility have been carried out. And if not all of them, at least the ones that are blatant.

Instead, we find that the execution of the tasks was and remains deficient, but also especially at the level of the rudimentary cleaning of the few remaining green lungs in Patras, in which hotbeds of dry grasses and even garbage can be found.

Foci which “translate” into bombs and a nightmare for the residents”.

C. STANITSAS: “All of Patras is a focus of contamination”


From the “spiral” faction, we spoke with the municipal councilor Haralambos Stanitsa, who underlined:

“Unfortunately, all of Patras is a focus of contamination and the most important thing is that the collection service does not work normally. I accept that there is a shortage of staff with the departure of the 8 minuters who provided important services, but the municipality is to blame for not supporting them in court and not keeping some of them.

The second issue is that there is anarchy in the planning of the municipality’s services, with workers not following the timetables, because there is no control.

Of course, the absence of the municipal police, which also had a role to supervise public spaces, also plays a role in the issue of garbage”?

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#Patras #images #honor #us.. #Risk #Public #Health #urban #fires



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