Mahrer ad Ludwig: Joining forces to strengthen security

2024-07-17 06:38:11

Need to understand problems, address root causes, and work together to find quick solutions and sustainable change

Vienna(OTS) Councilman Karl Mahrer reacted violently to Dr. Mayor. Michael Ludwig talks regarding the security situation in Vienna.

“Calls for increased police presence only serve to distract from the real causes of the escalation in crime and violence,” Mahler said. “The federal police chief ordered police forces from other federal states to Vienna more than a week ago to carry out priority operations. To this end, in A standby force has been set up in Vienna, and a separate youth crime team has been set up by the Interior Ministry, which is now working at full speed in Vienna.

Address the root of the problem rather than the symptoms

“Police measures alone cannot eliminate the real causes of crime and violence,” Machler stressed. “These are present in Vienna’s social, educational and integration policies, which have been completely misguided for decades. City of Ludwig It’s time for the president to finally be honest and admit that there is a problem. He should focus on addressing the root causes of the violence rather than just reacting to the symptoms and looking for blame in others.

SPÖ split on immigration and integration

Machler singled out the divisions within the Socialist Party under the leadership of Traiskirchen Mayor Andreas Babler on immigration and integration issues: “The problems in Vienna are also the result of this divisive policy within the Socialist Party.”

Specific measures that need to be taken

Macherel called on the mayor to take concrete integration measures instead of making unnecessary and unrealistic demands, and wanted to bring the police under his leadership: “Full support for Germans in kindergartens and schools, immediate reduction of social benefits , comprehensive prevention of violence in schools and consistent demands for obligations that adapt to our values ​​are the order of the day.

implicit criticism of the police

Furthermore, Machler criticized Ludwig’s proposal as an implicit criticism of the Vienna police: “They risk their lives every day to keep us safe. This kind of criticism undermines the appreciation of a country that displays professionalism and professionalism every day.” Trust in committed institutions.

appeal to the mayor

Machler appealed to Ludwig: “People do not want to fight in this unprecedented security crisis in Vienna. Only solidarity between all responsible parties can help solve this difficult situation. There is an urgent need to reduce excessive social welfare and A concerted education and inclusion policy to stop Vienna’s magnetism now is on the table for our action plan.

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