Recommendations are issued to take care of your health and protect yourself from the cold

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Following the announcement of a “cold season” for the weekend, the Ministry of Public Health issued a series of recommendations to deal with low temperatures and prevent respiratory diseases.

Given the low temperatures that will persist in Paraguayan territory, as announced by the National Meteorological Directorate, the health portfolio urges people to take measures to protect themselves and avoid health problems.

If you have respiratory symptoms, the Ministry of Health emphasizes the importance of wearing a face mask, going to a doctor’s office, resting and avoiding activities outside the home until you recover. Remember that resting improves recovery and prevents outbreaks of the disease in the workplace, school and daycare centers.

The recommendations are detailed below:

Keeping warm and avoiding prolonged exposure to the cold can promote the development of respiratory conditions.

Avoid close contact with people with respiratory symptoms. If you are sick, it is not advisable to approach small children, nor elderly people who usually have underlying diseases, so they are more likely to suffer severe respiratory illnesses.

Get vaccinated once morest influenza and Covid-19 every year. The flu vaccine prevents severe cases and their complications. Meanwhile, the anti-Covid dose protects once morest severe forms of the infection, and reduces the chances of hospitalization and death. It is equally important to keep the regular vaccination schedule up to date in children, especially those under 5 years of age.

Ventilate the rooms: To ventilate the rooms on days with low temperatures and not get cold, it is recommended to dress warmly and open a door and/or window for a few minutes every hour, then close them to prevent the rooms from getting too cold, since it is also not advisable to spend too much time in a very cold room. It is recommended to take advantage of the hours around midday and during siesta time, which tend to have higher temperatures.

Wash your hands: wash them frequently with soap and water. You can also frequently use alcohol-based solutions (alcohol gel or alcohol-based sanitizers, at least 70%), when your hands are not visibly dirty.

Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with the inner fold of your elbow, never with your hand. This will prevent expelled microorganisms from affecting other people and reaching objects, and will help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses.

If you use a disposable tissue, throw it in a trash can and then wash your hands or apply hydroalcoholic solution.

Stay hydrated, even on cold days. The airway (nose and mouth) is the main defense once morest the appearance of viruses, which is why it is recommended to hydrate the body by consuming 2 to 3 liters of water per day.

Water keeps the airways functional and is the best expectorant when you have the flu, so she insists that daily hydration is essential.

Room heating: to keep rooms heated during very cold seasons, incandescent devices are recommended, which radiate heat, such as stoves or air conditioners, which should be at an ideal temperature between 25° and 26°, temperatures to which the body can adapt. It is important to avoid setting them at temperatures higher than this, as allergy sufferers and asthmatics present bronchial obstruction when the heating is set too high.

The use of lit braziers inside the home is not recommended, as it can endanger people’s health and lives. The use of heaters that generate wind is also not recommended, as they dry out the environment too much and end up drying out the upper airways.

Disinfection of high-contact surfaces such as handrails, door handles, desks, keyboards, computer mice, toys, among others, with disinfectant solutions such as quaternary ammonium, sodium hypochlorite or alcohol (depending on the type of material).

Use of a face mask that covers the nose, mouth and chin when visiting healthcare facilities and if you have respiratory symptoms.

Seek medical attention if you have a fever or any respiratory signs or symptoms (runny nose, cough, sore throat). It is not advisable to go to work or school in these conditions until the condition resolves, to prevent the spread of the disease. Rest at home, following consulting a doctor.

#Recommendations #issued #care #health #protect #cold
2024-07-17 03:44:37



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