“We are not your social security!” Al-Nasr refuses to respond to the distress calls of its former players, and demands for a popular uprising

Former Al-Nassr goalkeeper reveals shocking response following requesting honoring old players..

Former Al-Nassr goalkeeper, Mudhi Al-Dosari, went out to seek help from the fans following the club’s honorary members closed the door in his face when he asked for help and to solve old problems.

The beginning was with a live broadcast attended by Al-Dosari, to talk regarding the situation of Al-Nasr and its lack of success in decisive matches and its relationship with the rights of old players, so the goalkeeper narrated a shocking response from one of the honorary members of the world – whose name was not revealed – ..

Al-Dosari said: “I spoke to one of the honorary members, to ask for honoring the old players, whether by granting them their rights or helping those in need, perhaps it will help Al-Nasr achieve championships or solve some crises in the matches in which we are not successful.”

The topic is continued below.

Here the honorary member replied – according to the guard’s account – “The club is not social security.”

This position prompted Mudhi to go out in a video on social media, appealing to the fans, saying: “If you know that above the picture of the symbol is Prince Mohammed bin Saud or below it is written (Cultural, Social, Sports Club), they are all united in one thing. I hope for a response from the Al-Nassr fans. My message is directed to you. God willing, you will not fall short.”

It is worth noting that A while ago, Mudhi Al-Dosari appeared in a video attacking Al-Nassr, stressing that he did not benefit from it at all.

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Former Al-Nassr goalkeeper reveals shocking response following requesting honoring old players.

Former Al-Nassr goalkeeper, Mudhi Al-Dosari, turned to fans for help following the club’s honorary members dismissed his request to address old issues and honor former players.

Al-Dosari went live to discuss Al-Nasr’s recent struggles, specifically their lack of success in crucial matches, and the club’s treatment of former players. In the live stream, he revealed a shocking response from an unnamed honorary member of the club.

Al-Dosari explained, “I spoke to one of the honorary members, requesting that we honor the old players, either by granting them their due or offering support to those in need. I believed this might contribute to Al-Nasr’s success in championships and resolving some of the issues we face in important matches.”

The topic is continued below.

Al-Dosari shared that the honorary member’s response was, “The club is not social security.”

This discouraging response led Mudhi to release a video on social media, appealing to the fans. He stated, “If you know that above the club emblem is Prince Mohammed bin Saud or below it reads ‘Cultural, Social, Sports Club,’ then you know that unity is essential. I hope the Al-Nassr fans will respond. My message is directed to you. God willing, you will not disappoint.”

It is worth noting that previously, Mudhi Al-Dosari appeared in a video criticizing Al-Nassr, emphasizing that he had not personally benefited from the club.

Former Al-Nassr Goalkeeper’s Shocking Revelation: Club Is Not “Social Security”

Former Al-Nassr goalkeeper, Mudhi Al-Dosari, has ignited a storm of controversy following revealing a disheartening response he received from an honorary member of the club when he requested support for former players.

A Cry for Recognition and Support

Al-Dosari, a significant figure in Al-Nassr’s history, sought to address concerns regarding the club’s recent struggles and its treatment of former players. He initiated a live broadcast to discuss these issues, highlighting the need for recognizing the contributions of past athletes and potentially leveraging their experience to improve the team’s current performance.

The Shocking Rebuke

During the live stream, Al-Dosari shared a disheartening encounter with an unnamed honorary member, whom he approached to discuss honoring former players and addressing their needs. According to Al-Dosari, the honorary member’s response was a stark and cynical: “The club is not social security.”

Al-Dosari’s Public Appeal

This callous response prompted Al-Dosari to take his plea to the club’s fans, expressing his disappointment and reminding them of the club’s core values – “Cultural, Social, Sports Club.” He emphasized the importance of honoring the club’s heritage and supporting its past players, who have undeniably contributed to its legacy. His message resonated with many fans who expressed their solidarity and concern for the situation.

A Pattern of Neglect?

This incident is not the first time Al-Dosari has voiced his grievances towards Al-Nassr. Previously, he had publicly criticized the club for neglecting his contributions and failing to provide adequate support during his time with the team. This recent incident further underscores a seemingly pervasive lack of appreciation and care for former players, further igniting the debate on the club’s commitment to its history and legends.

A Call for Action for Al-Nassr

Al-Dosari’s revelations have sparked a wave of public discourse, demanding accountability from Al-Nassr’s leadership. Fans and former players alike are calling for the club to re-evaluate its approach towards its former athletes, acknowledging their significant contributions and ensuring their wellbeing.

The incident raises critical questions regarding the responsibility of clubs towards those who have played a pivotal role in shaping their identity and legacy. Al-Nassr’s response to this situation will undoubtedly be crucial in determining its future relationship with its former players and its commitment to preserving its rich sporting heritage.



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