what the Ukrainian 007 reveals –

There have been several attempts to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin. The director of the Ukrainian military intelligence agency Kyrylo Budanov announced this, without specifying Kiev’s possible role in the operations. “But as you can see, they were unsuccessful,” he added in an interview with the news site ‘New Voice’. Putin is no longer a compromise figure accepted by the entire Russian elite, but since he has been in power for more than 20 years, the Russians are afraid of losing him,” explained one of the military men most loyal to Volodymyr Zelensky, president of Ukraine. When Putin dies – according to 007 – it will be like when Stalin died in 1953: “The world collapsed for everyone, people did not know how they would be able to live.” Since the war between Russia and Ukraine began, there have been numerous rumors regarding attempts to assassinate Putin: the most sensational was that of a drone that reached the Kremlin before being intercepted at the last moment.

Putin Aims Missiles at European Capitals. The Response to US Gambling

#Ukrainian #reveals #Tempo
2024-07-17 00:17:40



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