The WC in fly throwing is decided in Åhus

On August 19-25, the Swedish Casting Association organizes the WC in fly casting on the event beach in Åhus/Kristianstad. Nine nations are participating with a total of 70 participants. The participating countries are Spain, UK, Italy, Estonia, USA, Sweden, Norway, Japan and Canada.
Sweden is today the world leader in fly throwing and several of the Swedish participants are former world champions, for example Bernt Johansson and Tellis Katsogiannos. The competitions are organized in collaboration with Kristianstad municipality, Visit Skåne AB and Peshku Sportfiskeklubb.

– We are proud to host this year’s WC in fly casting and look forward to showing off Skåne and our fishing waters. We hope that many of the visitors have the opportunity to stay and explore Skåne as a destination with everything from food and drink to beautiful nature. Those who are interested in fly throwing and want to experience an exciting and international sporting event, must not miss this year’s WC in Åhus, says Mikael Wigsten, project manager, sports events & meetings, Visit Skåne AB.

Sweden has a long tradition of success in fly throwing and has several world champions in the sport. This year, the Swedish participants have great opportunities for medals both in individual disciplines and in combinations. Multiple world champion Bernt Johansson, Piteå SFK, will defend his gold medals in Seatrout Distance. In addition, former world champion in Spey two-handed length, Tellis Katsogiannos, will participate in the national team.

Norway participates with 22 throwers and today belongs together with Sweden and the USA to the Fly Throwing’s “Top 3” nations, which will probably be on the podium. Japan and Canada participate for the first time in the WC in Fly Throwing. In the women’s classes, nine ladies from six countries participate, of which the ladies of the United States are favourites.

Program WC in fly throwing 19-25 August 2024:
Opening: Monday 19 August at 5 pm by Camilla Palm, chairman of Kristianstad municipality.
Press conference: Tuesday 20 August at 12.15-12.55 with reigning and former World Cup winners, as well as Lise-Lotte Janson, general secretary Castingförbundet, Pehr Palm, Kristianstad municipality and Halil Radogoshi, chairman Peshku Sportfiskeklubb.
See the entire competition program:

World Championship in Fly Casting at Evenemangstranden in Åhus, August 19-25
Competition days: 20-24 August.
During the WC in Fly Throwing in Åhus, the participants compete in six different disciplines:
– 1 precisionsgren, Trout Accuracy
– 3 distansgrenar ”överhands” : Trout distance, Salmon Distance, Seatrout Distance
– 2 distansgrenar ”spey”: Spey Distance 15.1’, Spey Distance 16/18’

The Swedish team consists of:
Anna Hedman, Älvsbyn
Anna-Karin Viklund, Piteå
Bernt Johansson, Älvsbyn
Magnus Hedman, Älvsbyn
Tobias Göras, Piteå
Roger Håkansson, Ryd
Tellis Katsogiannos, Partille
Seppo Kumpula, Hallstahammar
Niklas Eriksson, Halmstad
Rickard Gustafsson, Gothenburg
Stefan Norström, Ryd
Esa Raudasvirta, Piteå

FACT: The sport of casting is divided into two disciplines: Casting and Fly casting, a total of 15 disciplines. Sweden is the world’s leading nation in fly casting. During the last WC competition in Fly Throwing in Norway, Sweden won 13 medals. During the WC in Åhus, reigning world champions will be present. Fly casting is a branch of the casting sport where participants compete in throwing a fly as far and accurately as possible. It requires skill and precision. Fly throwing is a popular sport around the world and attracts participants from different countries to compete once morest each other.

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