The rise and silent fall of ‘juice queen’ Yvonne Coldeweijer

The rise and silent fall of ‘juice queen’ Yvonne Coldeweijer

For over two years she regularly caused a stir with her juice. But this weekend, 37-year-old Yvonne Coldewijer from Kaatsheuvel announced that she was stopping her online gossip channel. An overview of the rise and silent fall of the most famous gossip aunt of the Netherlands, from Brabant.

Coldeweijer started a YouTube channel in 2015, where she posted videos regarding beauty and fashion several times a week. From 2020 onwards, she focused more on spreading gossip from the entertainment world, through her juice called. She brought news that showbiz programs on TV and the gossip magazines ignored. For example, she was the first to report that singer Douwe Bob would have a child with three women at the same time.

National news
In early 2022, Coldeweijer made national news with her juicewhen she first published a video of rapper Lil Kleine pulling his then-girlfriend out of a car and abusing her. The rapper was arrested and prosecuted for assault.

A few months later, Coldeweijer made national news once more, but in a different way. Singer Samantha Steenwijk had filed a summary proceeding once morest Coldeweijer, because he claimed that Steenwijk had lost weight by using illegal diet pills. According to Steenwijk, this was completely untrue. The judge eventually sentenced Coldeweijer to place a rectification and to pay the costs of Steenwijk’s lawyer.

READ ALSO: Yvonne Coldeweijer must rectify statements regarding Samantha Steenwijk

Cremated croquette
Later in 2022, she published several videos regarding Rachel Hazes and her son André junior. In one video, Coldeweijer said that André had broken up with his mother because she was ‘crazy’. She also called Rachel Hazes manipulative and ‘very narcissistic’. Rachel Hazes demanded that Coldeweijer remove one of those videos.

This led to a battle on social media, in which Coldeweijer called on her followers to join forces to ‘fight the cremated croquette’. In January 2023, she was ordered to remove the video and post a rectification. The judge called Coldeweijer’s statements ‘unnecessarily hurtful’ and found that she might not substantiate the accusations properly.

Criticism of methods
Coldeweijer also received criticism for her working methods outside the court. News channel BNR sent her a video in May 2022, which allegedly showed presenter Talitha Muusse using drugs. Muusse’s face is not visible in the video and the alleged drug use is not visible.

Coldeweijer posted the video on her paid telegram account. But in reality, Muusse never used drugs, according to BNR. With this action, she wanted to show how easily innocent people can become victims of gossip journalism.

Another victim of this gossip journalism is royalty journalist Marc van der Linden. He was admitted to the Amsterdam UMC in November 2022 following a stroke. Coldeweijer asked ‘spies in the VUmc’ to share information regarding Van der Linden. This call led to outrage from the hospital. “That does not fit in with the profession, they have their medical professional secrecy”, the hospital said. to the NOS.

Extinguished like a candle
Of juice regarding which Coldeweijer reported, came largely from her followers on Instagram. They tipped her off and in return the tipsters might also see leaked juice from others on Coldeweijer’s account. Partly because of that, her number of followers grew to approximately 840,000 in April this year.

At the end of that month she announced that she would stop giving away free juice on her own account. She started a paid account, where people might subscribe for nine euros a month. The account grew to regarding 4,000 paid members in recent months. At the same time, the number of followers on her regular account decreased, from 840,000 in April to regarding 660,000 this weekend.

The flow of new ones also dried up juice the past few months. This weekend Coldeweijer announced that she is quitting the online gossip channel. In a statement she writes that nowadays there is ‘only cucumber juice’, with which she does not want to bore her followers.

The service and automatic collection have been stopped. With that, Coldeweijer’s eventful juice career has fizzled out like a candle.



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