Joe Biden Makes Political Gaffes and Has Memory Problems. Do Democrats Have an Alternative Candidate for US President?

Joe Biden Makes Political Gaffes and Has Memory Problems. Do Democrats Have an Alternative Candidate for US President?

The “lame duck” performance

The problems with Joe Biden’s health and intellectual abilities are troubling Democrats. Thursday’s news conference was meant to dispel any doubts on those issues, but it raised more questions regarding his ability to lead the United States. At least 16 congressional Democrats publicly called on Biden to withdraw from the US presidential race.

Political gaffes

In the opening question of his long-awaited solo belt conference in Washington, “Listen, I would not choose Vice President Trump as my vice presidentif I thought she was unqualified to be president,” Biden said, confusing his deputy with his November election opponent, former President Donald Trump.

Biden gets tangled up in his statements

Just like during the June presidential debate, Biden’s arguments were repeated problems with clarity of speech. The president gave long, awkward answers. He sometimes stopped mid-sentence, made mistakes, or forgot words. “Some of our European friends are going to limit their investments in Russia, sorry, China,” the president said.

When he tried to justify his position on the matter re-electionBiden often stopped mid-sentence and launched into something completely unrelated: “There’s so much more to do. I’m committed to doing it. It’s regarding freedom. And by the way, I’ll end this, well, I’m not going to do it… Haley has to show up too,” he said, before trailing off.

Zelensky as “Putin”

Earlier that day at a meeting NATO In honor of Ukraine, Biden added fuel to the fire when he accidentally introduced the president Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin”.

Dr. Pitts: Biden has classic symptoms of neurodegeneration

New York neurologist Dr. Tom Pitts specializes in treatment of Parkinson’s diseasesuggested Monday that President Biden is showing “classic symptoms of neurodegeneration” The doctor assessed President Biden’s health based on his public appearances. “I might have diagnosed him from the other side of the mall,” Pitts said on NBC News Now’s “Top Story with Tom Llamas.”

The doctor also noticed Biden a way of moving specific to Parkinson’s patients. The president “walks in a shuffle… (also takes) these little steps. He’s lost (the freedom) to swing his arm because of the stiffness.” Pitts said he’s never been “in the same room” with the president, so he mightn’t tell Biden’s cognitive abilities have weakened.

What does the White House say?

Speculations About Biden’s Health is exacerbated by the lack of a clear answer from his administration to questions including regarding eight visits by another Parkinson’s disease expert to the Biden residence.

Dr. Pitts appealed to both Bidena (81 years old) and the former president Donald Trump (78 years old) to surrender a four-hour neurological testwhich he called a “cognitive performance test.”

Biden has made up his mind. He won’t drop out of the campaign

Despite questions regarding his health and mental fitness, President Joe Biden has no intention of giving up his bid for a second term in office. presidential elections in 2024. When asked by a journalist if he would consider giving up his campaign spot to Vice President Kamala Harrissaid on Thursday that he would consider withdrawing from the election campaign only if polls will show that “there is no chance of winning.”

Democrats say: Go away

Moments following the press conference, a member of the House of Representatives Jim Himes z Connecticutwho is the ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, said Biden should withdraw from the election. “President Joe Biden is an extraordinary leader with unparalleled public service, undeniable achievements, and unconditional patriotism,” Himes said in a statement.The 2024 Election Will Define the Future of American Democracyii we must field the strongest candidate possible to confront the threat posed by Trump’s promised MAGA authoritarianism”.

At least 16 Democratic members of Congress have publicly called on Biden to withdraw, joined by major donors who have announced stopping donations to the Democratic Party until a new potential presidential candidate is selected.

Trump posts Biden’s blunders on Truth Social

Tensions over Biden’s bid for another term have been mounting since his disastrous performance in a June presidential debate with Trump and his campaign’s subsequent failed attempts to quiet speculation regarding the president’s health. And Trump and his campaign have been relentless in their attempts to they use videos of all his blunders and publish them on Truth Social, ridiculing and weakening his position as Democratic leader.

Parkinson’s disease takes away mobility

Parkinson’s disease is quite insidious. It destroys both the movement centers in the brain, hence the involuntary tremors of the limbs or muscle stiffness, and those responsible for memory or free expression. It also causes depression i psychotic disorders. In the initial phase of the disease medicines they only reduce its physical symptoms, but following a few years they gradually stop working. Over time, the patient is unable to move independently and cannot function without the constant care of others.

How to save face from this situation?

If Biden does suffer from Parkinson’s, which is possible given his age, his team has a difficult task of getting out of this situation without losing face. Especially since more and more well-known Democrats appeals to the president to resign from the race for the White House.

New Democratic Candidate and Donors’ Return

The next problem is an increasingly smaller group of donors wanting to support Biden’s campaign. Without money, it will be very difficult to run a winning campaign. Contrary to polls Trump has a large negative electorate. With the Democratic candidate changing, donations might once once more be pouring in. And a new face of the campaign might completely change the course of events. November US presidential election.

Waiting for the Chicago Convention

However, before Democratic voters go to the polls, they have a lot to look forward to. convention on August 19 in Chicago. Perhaps by then Joe Biden will decide to drop out of the presidential race. Who might replace him then? There are several candidates.

Who can replace Biden?

It appears that the most serious candidate is known to everyone Vice President Kamala Harris. Another politician on the list of names is Gretchen Whitmera two-term governor of Michigan and an increasingly popular Midwestern Democrat who many pundits speculate will run for president in 2028.

Among politicians, the first to be mentioned is the governor of California Gavin Newsomwho also has serious political ambitions. He often appears on news channels praising Biden. It is no secret that the Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has presidential aspirations. He ran for president in 2020 and is often considered one of the top speakers in the Biden administration.

By the end of the summer, the situation in the US should clarify enough that Democrats and the entire world will know who Donald Trump will face in the November elections.



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