Pocketpair partners with Sony to expand Palworld franchise

In a surprise move, Pocketpair, developers of Palworld, the hit on Xbox consoles and PC, have announced that they have partnered with Sony to form a new joint venture to expand the franchise into new experiences beyond the survival game.

In the announcement published through the official account of the game on XPocket Pair and Sony Music Entertainment Japan and its subsidiary Aniplex have established the joint venture Palworld Entertainment Inc., which will be led by Pocketpair CEO Takuro Mizobe.

According to a statement, the joint venture will be responsible for “developing the reach of the intellectual property and expanding commercial efforts.” This includes global licensing and marketing activities associated with Palworld, outside of the video game.

Pocketpair wants Palworld to have a formula similar to that of Pokémon

Taking this new strategy into account, this does not look very different from what Game Freak did with Pokémon when they founded The Pokémon Company with Nintendo and Creators to manage the renowned brand that it is today.

As an initial move by Palworld Entertainment Inc., they will be developing exclusive merchandise based on the game, which will debut at Bilibili World in Shanghai, China this week. They also announced that they have partnered with Aniplex for pre-orders and distribution of Palworld-related merchandise in North America.

It is important to mention that, although Pocketpair is partnering with one of Sony’s subsidiaries, the game is not yet available on PlayStation consoles. Although Pocketpair’s president assured that they are in talks to bring the game to other platforms, at the time of writing this article this is not a reality.

However, there is increasing hope that PlayStation console users will be able to enjoy the successful survival title, as even the Palworld community manager himself the possibility of this happening arose.

Read also Palworld is aiming to reach PlayStation consoles

#Pocketpair #partners #Sony #expand #Palworld #franchise
2024-07-13 22:05:39



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