Businessmen and government reach agreement for the Army to repair the Palín-Escuintla highway – 2024-07-13 14:37:47

During a meeting between authorities from the Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing (CIV) and representatives of five business chambers, it was agreed that the private sector will provide material, equipment and supplies to expedite the rehabilitation work on kilometer 44 of the Palín-Escuintla highway.

Félix Alvarado, Minister of Communications, reported on the current emergency situation on the road network and requested support with supplies, materials and vehicles for the reactivation of the highway section that has been interrupted for four weeks, which has caused problems in the operations of the logistics chain, as well as for thousands of people who live in the surrounding areas.

Meanwhile, delegates from the organized private sector demanded that the CIV present a comprehensive program for road maintenance and care, as well as details of the projects to be prioritized in the winter season, in addition to attention to improvements at La Aurora International Airport (AILA). These programs would be designed and formulated in the following days, it was explained.

The meeting was held at the CIV facilities yesterday followingnoon and was attended by representatives of the Foundation for the Development of Guatemala (Fundesa), the Chamber of Industry of Guatemala (CIV), the Chamber of Agriculture (Camagro), the Guatemalan Chamber of Construction (CGC) and the Guatemalan Association of Exporters (Agexport).

The call for support and collaboration with the private sector came a day following the deputies of the Congress of the Republic rejected the state of calamity presented by President Bernardo Arévalo, which would allow emergency contracts to be made to service and repair roads.

Works carried out by the Army

Consulted regarding the main conclusions, José Fernando Orellana Wer, executive director of the CGC, highlighted that the meeting with Minister Alvarado and his technical team focused on addressing the emergency at kilometer 44 and it was made official that the personnel of the Army Corps of Engineers (CIE) (Ministry of Defense) will be in charge of the repair work and the CIV will be in charge of the landslide.

To this end, there is already a three-week work plan to free up the passage of vehicles, especially heavy transport, which are using alternative routes such as RN-14 and the old route to Escuintla.

The executive announced that the CIE has some specialized machines, but requires supplies, materials and some transportation equipment for construction, and that they have called on entrepreneurs to do so.

“They are requiring that companies that belong to Cacif – the Coordinating Committee of Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial and Financial Associations – make donations that are deductible from income tax (ISR), but an agreement with the tax administrator is pending so that these donations can be made viable,” said Orellana Wer.

“Something relevant from the meeting is that the CIE is recognized for responding to emergencies, so to speak, and that it takes charge of this issue is something positive. The complicated thing is that it has to work with donations because there are resources that the State might use,” he said.

During the meeting with the authorities, a comprehensive program for emergency response, a special program for general maintenance and a program for new construction were also requested.

Preliminary list

At the meeting, a breakdown of preliminary requirements for the rehabilitation of the 144” diameter cross drain was presented:

  1. Excavators: 8
  2. Double axle trucks: 8
  3. Front loader: 4
  4. Showing 10TM: 2
  5. Patrol: 2
  6. Lighting fixtures: 4
  7. Watering truck: 2
  8. Topography: 1 brigade
  9. Laboratory CAB 1 1/8” Length: 1 brigade
  10. Screws: 1,100 units
  11. 3/8 link chains: 40 linear meters
  12. 31mm tail wrenches: 10 pieces
  13. ¾ root ratchet wrenches and ¾ root sockets of 31 millimeters: 10 units
  14. Sidewalk tips length 60 centimeters: 10 units
  15. 5/8 inch diameter steel hooks: 10 units
  16. Filling material: 70 thousand cubic meters
  17. Existing fill material in the area: 30 thousand cubic meters

It was reported that there is a general willingness on the part of the organized private sector to support the call from the CIV authorities.

Emergency care

Through a statement, Cacif reiterated a call for attention to the emergency at kilometer 44, Palín-Escuintla Highway, and in which it demanded:

  • Present a plan of concrete actions, deadlines and resources to address the emergency at kilometer 44 and other critical points.
  • Without further delay, comply with the rule that establishes that the Covial Advisory Council must be convened to evaluate and give an opinion on the maintenance of the road network.

The statement concludes by reiterating the country’s support and willingness to continue collaborating in improving infrastructure, which is essential for the country’s development.

Army will collaborate

Colonel Daniel Martínez Escobar, Army spokesman, explained that “in this emergency, the CIV is making the request and an inter-institutional support agreement will be made, in which the responsibilities of each ministry are established.

The Army Corps of Engineers will provide support with personnel and special machinery at Km 44 of CA9 and the CIV will provide the resources and supplies for the necessary work.”

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