The warden Yohai Avni was murdered in his home in New Gibeon; His sister: “He had no enemies”

Yohai Avni is a member of the Prison Service (Shavas) whose body was found yesterday (Monday) with severe signs of violence in his burned apartment in the new Givon settlement. Avni worked as a prison guard and prison guard in Ofer prison and came into contact with security prisoners and Nohva terrorists. A nationalist vetted by the Shin Bet.


Yohai Avni Photo: from yohai.avni’s Facebook account

Yohai Avni Photo: from yohai.avni’s Facebook account

The search for Avni began yesterday following he did not show up for duty at the prison. His friends and the police arrived at his house, noticed smoke and called the fire brigade to the scene, who found his body stabbed several times and with severe signs of violence.

The central unit of the Jerusalem district is investigating a suspected murder on criminal grounds, at the same time as the Shin Bet is examining the nationalist orientation. The nationalist motive is being examined due to Avni’s occupation, along with estimates that there are intentions to harm members of the Shin Bet. The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court yesterday issued a gag order on the details of the investigation.

Avni grew up in another settlement in the Upper Galilee. He did his military service in the MGB and upon his release he enlisted in the Shavas. In recent years he served as a dog in Ofer prison and worked with a dog named Kalo. He lived in a housing unit next to the prison in the new Givon settlement. His sister Nitzan said that “he came to this job on a mission and that’s also what made him get up every morning for this hard work.”

She testified that “he had a gentle and special soul even though he served in a challenging position, with difficult people and security prisoners. He was hardworking, a family and sociable person, who loved to travel and take pictures in Israel and the world. We don’t know what happened, but we are sure that there is no one of the people close to him who would have hurt him Bo. Yohai did not have a single enemy. We are shocked and shocked.”



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