Buffalo eases panchayat problem in Indian village – World

How is it possible that amazing events do not happen in India? One such event has happened in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

According to the details, the buffalo had gone missing in Pratapgarh of the Indian state, upon which 2 claimants of the buffalo came forward, however, the buffalo itself has settled the matter following the panchayat did not solve the problem.

Both the claimants on behalf of the panchayat and the police brought the buffalo issue before the panchayat, but instead of being resolved, the problem became more complicated.

On which the police left the decision to the buffalo itself, the police left the buffalo on the road, on which it walked to its owner’s house.

While both the claimants also expressed their consent to leave the matter to the buffalo.

#Buffalo #eases #panchayat #problem #Indian #village #World
2024-07-11 15:30:40



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