Screening tests for these sexually transmitted infections could soon be reimbursed for people under 26

2024-07-11 10:30:00

What sexually transmitted infections will be tested for free?

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Laboratory Testing Already fully refunded Available to everyone from 2022.

Free screening for four new sexually transmitted infections to come into effect From September 2024. The measure was announced in September 2022 and was subsequently included in the Social Security Financing Act of 2023. : 1).

How will screening be done?

From September, people under 26 will be able to visit medical analysis laboratories no prescription, so there’s no need to see a doctor first for testing. Upon his arrival, a Questionnaire will be given to the patient. It will include questions such as: “Have you had symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection?”, “Have you had more than one sexual partner in the past 12 months, or would you like to stop using condoms with a new partner?”, “Your Has one partner tested positive for one or more sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gonococcus, syphilis)? Questions will also address the required collection methods or sexual behaviors. The answers to this questionnaire will allow Determine which are the most relevant screening and self-sampling methods most appropriate,” the decree states.

If the result is positive for one or more sexually transmitted infections, the medical biologist will notify the patient and then “ Targeting appropriate care structures According to the Act, it is used for medical treatment related to sexually transmitted infections.” Results report” prevention message Information regarding the risks of pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections to sexual partners will be sent to patients.

Increased cases of sexually transmitted infections

This measure is particularly important since the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) warned in March last year « Worrying increase in multiple sexually transmitted infections in Europe. The ECDC report shows that between 2022 and 2021, gonorrhea cases increased by 48%, syphilis cases increased by 34%, and chlamydia cases increased by 16% (Source 2). A France also saw growthAccording to the French Public Health Agency, the number of syphilis cases increased by 110% between 2020 and 2022, and the number of gonorrhea cases increased by 91% (Source 3).

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