Drugs and alcohol on electric scooter

2024-07-11 13:50:17

The man, already known to the police, rode an electric scooter in Bingen following drinking alcohol and taking drugs.

A 37-year-old man from Bingen was riding an electric scooter following consuming drugs and alcohol. He has been arrested. The man was known to authorities, so much so that a patrol stopped him at noon on Thursday, according to a police description. During the stop, officers detected the odor of alcohol. A breathalyzer test later revealed a blood alcohol level of 1.02‰.

Caught drunk and under the influence of drugs on an electric scooter in Mainz-Bingen

The man in question was not only intoxicated. The officers noticed amphetamine remains apparently freshly crushed on his nose. The latter initially disputed this accusation. However, a screening test The rapid investigation confirmed the facts. In addition, the officers found him in possession of amphetamine paste and ecstasy tablets.

The dangers of driving (cars, two-wheelers, electric scooters, etc.) under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol compromises road safety. It significantly reduces drivers’ ability to react and their perception. These substances impair judgment and motor coordination, increasing the risk of serious or even fatal accidents.

Electric scooters and safety

Electric scooters, although practical and environmentally beneficial, pose a danger if used irresponsibly. The lack ofpersonal protective equipmentcombined with illicit substances, increases these risks.

Preventive and repressive actions

To counter this scourge, police initiatives have been taken, such as the regular road checks. Continuous awareness of dangers of driving under the influence remains essential to prevent such irresponsible behavior.

Educational programs

Of the prevention campaigns and educational programs in schools and businesses can also help reduce incidents caused by drugged driving, even on electric scooters. By properly informing citizens regarding the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol while driving, authorities seek to create a lasting change in behavior.

Legal consequences

In Germany, those who drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol face criminal penalties, whether on a motorcycle, electric scooter or in a car. This is a serious offense punishable by considerable fines. But there are also license suspensions and sometimes, prison sentences. Each violation would potentially increase the penalties imposed.

Specific measures

In the case of our offender in Bingen, the repetition of offences might lead to a thorough investigation of his background and, possibly, a enhanced surveillance or a ban on getting back on the handlebars of their electric scooter.

The Bingen incident highlights the obvious dangers associated with driving under the influence of intoxicants. As e-scooters become increasingly popular, it is crucial to promote safe and responsible use. Policing and educational initiatives will play a vital role in shaping a safe and risk-aware transport culture.

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