Debriefing and coordination meetings in Achaia, Aitoloakarnania and Ilia under Farmakis – 2024-07-11 12:41:37

A series of working meetings, with the aim of planning and coordinating the work of the Western Greece Region for the next period, as well as the exchange of views, was held in the previous period by the Regional Governor, Nektarios Farmakis, with Deputy Regional Governors and members of the “Forward for All” faction in the Regional Units of Ilia, Etoloakarnania and Achaia.

On the occasion of the completion of the first semester of the current term, during the meetings, Mr. Farmakis made a brief assessment, stressing that despite the problems that always exist, the Region of Western Greece continues the great effort started by the previous term for boosting economic growth and productive reconstruction, but also to strengthen social cohesion. In addition, as we are in the middle of the summer season, he drew everyone’s attention to the immediate and comprehensive response to any emergency that may arise, especially at the level of fire protection.

Regarding the implementation of the projects and actions, the Regional Governor spoke regarding “big steps forward” regarding the implementation of the new NSRF, noting among other things that within one year, the Region of Western Greece has reached the published invitations to the amount of 333 million euros from 25.4 million euros last year, while they have already exceeded 11 million. costs in euros. “I will make special mention of the urban renewals that will be implemented by the Municipalities, which we have already put on a dynamic development path and in the coming months all the relevant invitations will be aired which I remind you that for the first time, by our own decision, they concern and the 19 Municipalities of Western Greece and not just some of them” he stressed, focusing on the close and continuous cooperation required with the Municipalities and other agencies, in order to achieve the goal of fully utilizing the available resources for the benefit of improving the quality of life of citizens in every region of Western Greece.


Finally, the Regional Governor asked all his partners to adhere to the goals that have been set and to maintain constant contact with society. “We must never forget that we come from society and we address it. We must never stop talking to citizens, listening to their problems and listening to their criticism, because that is the only way we become better. We must know that each of us is judged and evaluated every day and we must always remember that we are here because we asked to fight for our country and our fellow citizens gave us this opportunity because they recognized and rewarded our effort to date. So we have no right to deny them and we have no room to move away from the goal we have set for a Western Greece at the forefront of development and modernization. We are well aware that not everything happens overnight. We are not miracle workers. But we are fighters of society. Personally, I am and will be here, present at the front line of the effort for Western Greece until we get our country where it deserves” concluded Mr. Farmakis.

#Debriefing #coordination #meetings #Achaia #Aitoloakarnania #Ilia #Farmakis



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