ADMIE: Investments of 5.5 billion euros in the new Development Program – 2024-07-11 12:33:28

ADMIE: Investments of 5.5 billion euros in the new Development Program
 – 2024-07-11 12:33:28

Investments of 5.5 billion euros are included in the new Ten-Year Development Program (DPA) of ADMIE for the period 2025-2034 which is to be put to public consultation in the next few days before being submitted for approval to the Energy Regulatory Authority.

The new program mentions for the first time the new large-scale international interconnections with Germany (Green Aegean Interconnector) via the Adriatic and Saudi Arabia (Saudi Greek Interconnection) which the Administrator is studying, while the most mature interconnection plans with Cyprus – Israel and Egypt are also included , projects included in the planning for the promotion of Greece as a transport and supply channel for Europe with “green” electricity.

The design for the Green Aegean Interconnector concerns a total transmission capacity of 3 GW with further development in the second year to 6 – 9 GW. The proposed route of the project, which has an initial budget estimate of 8.1 billion euros, includes an undersea passage from Greece through the Adriatic to Slovenia, and then via an overland route to Austria and southern Germany. Discussions are ongoing with the involved Transmission System Operators who have expressed their willingness to work together to mature the project.

With reference to the Greece-Saudi Arabia interconnection project, the establishment of the special purpose company Saudi Greek Interconnection by ADMIE and the Saudi Arabian Transmission System Operator National Grid is highlighted as a first step for the maturation of the project, with the preparation of commercial viability studies of the interconnection project to transport clean energy from North Africa and the Middle East to Europe.

For the Greece-Egypt GREGY electrical interconnection, ADMIE in collaboration with the project promoter (ELICA) and the Transmission System Operator of Egypt, contributes to the maturation of the project with the next step being the preparation of feasibility studies in terms of the optimal technical solution. In addition, ADMIE is also considering its investment participation in the project, based on the MoU it signed in 2023 with ELICA, regarding the initiation of exclusive discussions for the evaluation of the Operator’s entry into the share capital of the SPV that develops the interconnection between Greece and Egypt .

Besides, following the completion of the second interconnection with Bulgaria, new interconnections with Italy (1000 MW), Albania (1600 MVA) and Turkey are maturing, for which a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed in December 2023 between ADMIE and the Transmission System Operator of neighboring country TEIAS. All three projects have a completion horizon of 2031.

The new ten-year period also includes the construction of four new Ultra High Voltage Centers that enhance the operational security of the system as well as the possibilities of absorbing energy from renewable sources.

These are KYT in the area of ​​Lamia and Thessaly related to the strengthening of the system following the bad weather Daniel and the increase in the capacity to absorb production from RES units in the wider area, in Mesogeia which will allow the reinforcement of the supply of the wider area, and the reliable channeling the power coming from the Lavrio Generating Station, the RES stations connected to Lavrio and additional RES in Evia as well as the new Thesprotia Substation which will be a reception point for the new interconnections with Italy and Albania.

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