Who is the newly elected Iranian President Masoud Al-Medeshkian and what will he be able to deliver? – World

On the occasion of every presidential election in Iran, there is a question that surely arises in the mind. Whether there will be any real, major change in Iran now. After the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash last month, the question arose once more on the occasion of early presidential elections.

The newly elected Iranian president, Masoud al-Mabikian, is a reformist, meaning he is determined to do something different from the reactionary religious leadership. In such a situation, people are also suffering from doubts. The question is whether they are a ray of hope or just another trick of the establishment.

According to a report by the British Broadcasting Corporation, for those who are in favor of political reforms in Iran, Masoud al-Madiqian has promised that the country will now move forward under a new strategy. And also that some unexpected possibilities are showing up in Iran.

A common practice in Iran has been that any candidate can run for president only following receiving permission from a powerful committee of clerics. Disgust with this process is evident among the people and there is a tendency to shy away from voting.

The general perception has been that the establishment will try to influence the electoral process this time as well. The separation of two candidates from the election race was also seen in this context.

Massoud Al-Mabzikian has to be delivered to dispel the impression that he has been disguised by the establishment. The promises they have made have to be implemented so that people get some relief.

There have been complaints regarding the low turnout during the presidential elections in Iran. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asked the people to leave their homes in large numbers and cast their votes.

The newly elected Iranian president was born in Mahabad region of Iran. After his primary education in Army, he studied medicine from Tabriz University. He is a cardiologist (surgeon) and has been the Minister of Health. In addition to being elected five times as a member of the Iranian Parliament, he has also served as the Vice President.

In 1994, Masoud Al-Badzikian’s wife and a child died in a car accident. He did not remarry and devoted his attention to raising two sons and a daughter.

Restabilizing the Iranian economy and increasing harmony in society will be the biggest task for him. Strengthening the education and health sector will also be a big challenge for them.

#newly #elected #Iranian #President #Masoud #AlMedeshkian #deliver #World
2024-07-11 11:13:41



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