Acosta Ñu Pediatric Hospital strengthens its services with support from Itaipu

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Children’s General Pediatric Hospital of Acosta Ñu is strengthening its services with the support of Itaipu Binacional, by installing boxes to separate the common rooms of the inpatients, which will prevent cross-infections among the children who remain at the site.

This collaboration is in addition to the one carried out in December of last year, which consisted of the automation of the doors of the Emergency Service and which represented an essential change for the efficiency and biosecurity of the area.

Rogelio Sallaberry, Itaipu’s Social Responsibility advisor, highlighted the significant step for both patients and hospital staff. He explained that the improvements will allow children to receive adequate care by being isolated when necessary.

In turn, the director of the Pediatric Hospital, Héctor Raúl Castro Leguizamón, indicated that the cooperation of the Binational goes beyond a simple aesthetic improvement. He emphasized that it is an emergency service that is a national reference center, with 30 observation beds and an average of 400 consultations per day.

For her part, Dr. Viviana Pavlicich, head of the Emergency Department, praised the work carried out by ITAIPU and explained that these improvements allow children to be separated and their privacy respected by means of large partitions. “This facilitates the separate admission of children with infectious-contagious pathologies, avoiding cross-infection,” she pointed out.

He added that the hospital treats between 300 and 500 children per day in emergencies and hospitalizes around 30 children daily. Annually, the hospital handles 120,000 patients in emergencies alone, treating many serious cases every day.

In December of last year, Itaipu, through its Social Responsibility Advisory Service, financed the installation of automated doors for the Emergency Area, which enabled improved healthcare services.

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2024-07-11 10:57:25



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