Taking the devil for a scout

Hello my little bunnies!

Do you think Hamas is cool?

Are you a non-binary queer person who supports these religious extremists who treat LGBTQ people the way Colonel Sanders treats chickens?

Are you looking for another place where you can set up camp and praise your idols?

Do you get chills when an apostle of Allah shouts on Sainte-Catherine Street – in front of cameras and with complete impunity, courtesy of the Trudeau government, which allows death threats in a religious context – that all the enemies of Gaza should be massacred?

If so, you have to watch the interview that Mosab Hassan Yousef gave to the British journalist Piers Morgan a few days ago.


Yousef is the son of one of the founders of Hamas.

He knows “the beast” from the inside.

“Since its founding, Hamas has had only one goal in mind, which is to annihilate the State of Israel,” he said. “It is no secret: Hamas wants to destroy the State of Israel. It can neither accept Israel nor accept Israel’s right to exist.”

Some people at McGill say Israel should ‘negotiate’ with Hamas.

How do you negotiate with an entity that doesn’t recognize your right to exist and wants to annihilate you?

Good question for their next philosophy presentation!

Yousef says he saw Hamas torturing its own members in its detention centers!

“They tortured and killed hundreds of prisoners. And that’s when I asked myself the question: ‘What would happen if Hamas were to rule at some point? What would these people do to the population?’ And many years later, Hamas took over Gaza. And I was not surprised by their atrocities,” he said.

According to him, the Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip are hostages of Hamas and only dream of one thing: for this terrorist group to leave.

“We must distinguish between what is called ‘the Palestinian cause’ and ‘the Hamas cause’. The Hamas cause is insanity. It comes straight from the depths of hell and Hamas must leave power. If we do not stop them today, the next war will be even more deadly and God knows what will happen next…”


Can we criticize the policies of the Netanyahu government? Of course!

But as Yousef told Piers Morgan: “Unfortunately, Hamas now leaves Israel and the free world with no choice but to fight it to end all its violence. Many civilians are dying. But it is Hamas and Hamas alone that has their blood on its hands…”

“Hamas does not care regarding Palestinian children and civilians. It uses civilians as human shields and has prevented the evacuation of civilians to the south by setting up roadblocks!

“Too many people sitting comfortably in front of their keyboards commenting on the situation without knowing what is happening on the ground!”

Your keffiyeh is messing up, isn’t it?

Hamas: A Deeper Look into the Terrorist Organization

The recent conflict in Gaza has brought the issue of Hamas to the forefront of global attention. While many focus on the political complexities and the humanitarian crisis, it’s crucial to understand the true nature of Hamas. This article aims to provide a deeper understanding of the organization, its goals, and the impact it has on the region.

Who Is Hamas?

Hamas, an acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement, is a Palestinian Islamist political organization and militant group. Founded in 1987, it has been a key player in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, known for its violent attacks once morest Israel and its staunch opposition to its existence. Hamas’ ideology is grounded in Islamic fundamentalism, viewing the establishment of Israel as an illegitimate entity on land rightfully belonging to Palestinians.

Hamas’ Goals: Beyond the Narrative

Beyond the often-heard narratives of Palestinian liberation, Hamas’ goals are far more radical and dangerous. As revealed by Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a Hamas founder, the group’s ultimate objective is nothing less than the annihilation of the State of Israel. This is not a matter of negotiation or compromise, but an inherent and unchanging principle ingrained in their ideology.

Yousef’s insider perspective sheds light on the true nature of Hamas, highlighting:

  • Extremist ideology: Hamas is driven by a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, justifying its violence and terrorism, refusing any recognition of Israel’s right to exist.
  • A track record of brutality: Yousef witnessed firsthand the brutal tactics employed by Hamas, including torture and killings of their own members. This deeply ingrained violence was not just a part of their struggle but a systemic practice.
  • Human shield tactic: The organization’s use of civilians, particularly children, as human shields in their attacks is a horrific strategy, highlighting their disregard for innocent Palestinian lives.

The Reality of Life Under Hamas

While some may argue that Hamas is fighting for Palestinian liberation, the reality on the ground paints a much darker picture. Yousef emphasizes the stark difference between “the Palestinian cause” and “the Hamas cause.” He underscores that Hamas is not a liberating force but a tyrannical entity holding the Palestinian people hostage.

The consequences of Hamas rule in Gaza are clear:

  • Suppression and oppression: Hamas operates a totalitarian regime, suppressing dissent and silencing opposition voices. This creates a climate of fear and prevents the development of a democratic Palestinian society.
  • Economic stagnation: Hamas’ policies, fueled by their violent agenda, have devastated Gaza’s economy. The constant fighting, restricted movement of goods and people, and their focus on aggression have crippled any potential for economic growth and development.
  • Humanitarian crisis: The cycle of violence and Hamas’ relentless focus on attacking Israel have resulted in a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The population is struggling with poverty, lack of essential services, and limited access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities.

Beyond the Conflict: Addressing the Root of the Problem

The reality of Hamas is a stark reminder that addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict requires moving beyond simplistic narratives and understanding the multifaceted and complex nature of each side. While there are valid concerns regarding Israeli policies and their impact on Palestinians, it is crucial to recognize the true nature of Hamas and the damage their ideology and violence inflict on both Palestinians and Israelis. A lasting solution must address not only the immediate conflict but also the underlying issues of extremism, political corruption, and human rights violations that plague the region.

Key Takeaways

* Hamas’ ideology is rooted in Islamic fundamentalism and fueled by a relentless desire to eliminate Israel.
* The group’s tactics include terrorism, the use of civilians as human shields, and the brutal suppression of their own people.
* Hamas’ rule in Gaza has created a humanitarian crisis, stifled economic growth, and prevented the development of a democratic society.

This understanding is crucial for fostering meaningful dialogue, promoting peace, and achieving lasting solutions in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.



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