Agreement in Chile Vamos for gubernatorial and municipal elections – La Discusión 2024-07-11 08:20:38

Chile Vamos has reached an agreement to launch a single list of candidates for the municipal and regional government elections, which will take place on October 27.

The negotiations took place at the headquarters of Renovación Nacional, where that party, plus the UDI and Evópoli presented 238 candidacies from Arica to Magallanes.

The list of candidates for governor is: Enrique Urrutia in Arica and Parinacota, Natan Olivos (Tarapacá), Carlos Cantero (Antofagasta), Nicolás Noman (Atacama), Cristóbal Julia (Coquimbo), María José Hoffamann (Valparaíso), Sergio Giacamán (Biobío), Luciano Rivas (La Araucanía) -the only candidate who will seek re-election-, Marcelo Santana (Aysén) and Daniela Arecheta (Magallanes).

In the other regions, including Ñuble, the names have not yet been defined. The coalition reported that yesterday “the second part of the negotiation with the opposition parties to the Government officially began.”

The list of candidates for municipal elections is made up of: Sebastian Sichel in Nuñoa, Mario Desbordes (Santiago), Jaime Bellolio (Providencia), Marcela Cubillos (Las Condes), Felipe Alessandri (Lo Barnechea), Karla Rubilar (Puente Alto), Carol Bown (San Miguel), Ximena Naranjo (Iquique), Sacha Rzmilic (Antofagasta), Maximiliano Barrionuevo (Copiapo), Juan Carlos Diaz (Talca), Sergio Zarzar (Chillan), Pedro Duran (Temuco), Eduardo Berger (Valdivia) and Claudio Radonich (Punta Arenas).

UDI President Javier Macaya commented: “Our objective is clear: to put an end to bad leftist governments. This list represents a great step and a great agreement within our coalition. Now, in this second stage, we will continue to coordinate and work with all the parties that are in opposition to the government in order to be able to arrive with a single candidate in October and thus return hope and security to Chileans.”

The president of Evópoli, Gloria Hutt, added: “We are very satisfied with this agreement, and with being able to present to the country the best candidates to lead local governments throughout the country. We have worked hard on a list of representative people with knowledge of each of the communes, leaders with deep social roots, experience, and management capacity to solve the countless problems that afflict citizens. Now comes a stage, equally important, which is to reach agreements with the other parties of the broad opposition spectrum, in search of unity, to complete this picture at a national level with the best in each commune, in a conversation with a lot of vision with the other parties with whom we share the desire to improve the quality of life of Chileans from the municipalities.”

The president of Renovación Nacional, Rodrigo Galilea, concluded: “Today Chile Vamos has completed a very important first step. We have agreed on more than 283 candidates for the different municipalities and governorships of the country. From this moment on, not only will all of these candidates be able to be deployed, but we will also move on to a second stage: to articulate single candidacies with all those parties that will allow us to form a broad opposition. Just as we have made an effort among all the parties of Chile Vamos, to put aside legitimate claims and reach agreements, we call on all the other parties to make the same effort and achieve single candidacies.”

#Agreement #Chile #Vamos #gubernatorial #municipal #elections #Discusión



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