The Ministry of Culture and SNRT join forces

Known for its archaeological abundance, Morocco continues to unveil new treasures for discerning explorers. The Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication and the National Radio and Television Company (SNRT) recently signed a partnership agreement in Rabat to ensure media coverage of archaeological discoveries at the sites of Chellah and Sijilmassa.

This agreement, signed by the Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, and the CEO of SNRT, Fayçal Laraïchi, aims to raise awareness and publicize the significance of archaeological discoveries, enriching the historical and heritage understanding of the Kingdom, fostering research, and preserving heritage by highlighting the most noteworthy discoveries.

Under this agreement, the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication commits to scheduling archaeological missions at the sites of Chellah and Sijilmassa, facilitating access for researchers, experts, and student interns, and allocating resources for archaeological research and awareness-raising workshops conducted by experts at these sites.

In return, SNRT commits to regularly broadcasting documentaries on the archaeological sites of Chellah and Sijilmassa, guaranteeing comprehensive media coverage of missions responsible for excavations at these sites, and producing broadcasts, journalistic reports, and documentaries highlighting the archaeological discoveries made.

On this occasion, Bensaid emphasized the importance of this agreement, thanks to which SNRT will produce weekly broadcasts on the history of the Chellah archaeological site, as well as on the Sijilmassa site, which holds significant historical importance for the Kingdom and the region as a whole.

The minister stated, “By enhancing media coverage of the archaeological discoveries at these two sites, we are contributing to the dissemination of our history, forging a connection between the past and the present, democratizing access to culture, and supporting cultural industries in general.”.

It should be noted that the Chellah archaeological site in Rabat has been classified as a historical monument since 1920 and was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2012. In November 2023, the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication announced significant archaeological discoveries outside the Marinid enclosure of the historic Chellah site.

On the other hand, the Sijilmassa site, located near the Ziz wadi and close to Rissani, was added to the national heritage list on November 23, 2017. It holds immense archaeological importance as a commercial crossroads and bridge connecting numerous civilizations, particularly African and oriental.

Morocco Unveils Archaeological Treasures: New Partnership to Boost Media Coverage and Research

Morocco, a land renowned for its rich history and archaeological wonders, is poised to unveil even more captivating discoveries to the world. The Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, in collaboration with the National Radio and Television Company (SNRT), has signed a significant partnership agreement in Rabat, aimed at amplifying the media coverage of archaeological finds at the Chellah and Sijilmassa sites.

Enhancing Awareness and Research through Media Collaboration

This agreement, inked by Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, and Fayçal Laraïchi, CEO of SNRT, emphasizes the need for greater visibility of these archaeological treasures. The objective is multifaceted, encompassing a commitment to:

  • Heighten awareness of the historical and cultural significance of these discoveries.
  • Enrich the historical and heritage knowledge of Morocco.
  • Promote research in the field of archaeology.
  • Preserve heritage by showcasing the most remarkable finds.

A Joint Effort for Uncovering History

The agreement outlines specific responsibilities for both parties:

Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication

  • Coordinate archaeological missions at Chellah and Sijilmassa.
  • Facilitate access for researchers, experts, and student interns.
  • Allocate resources for archaeological research and awareness-raising workshops led by experts.


  • Regularly broadcast documentaries focusing on Chellah and Sijilmassa.
  • Provide comprehensive media coverage of excavation missions at both sites.
  • Produce broadcasts, journalistic reports, and documentaries highlighting archaeological discoveries.

Highlighting the Importance of the Sites

Minister Bensaid emphasized the pivotal role of this agreement, emphasizing the strategic importance of media coverage to enhance the understanding and appreciation of Morocco’s rich heritage.

By amplifying the media coverage of archaeological discoveries at these two sites, we are helping to make our history known, to connect the past to the present, as well as to democratize access to culture and support cultural industries in general,” said Bensaid.

Chellah: A Tapestry of History

The archaeological site of Chellah in Rabat holds a special place in Moroccan history, having been designated a historical monument in 1920 and recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2012. In November 2023, the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication made a significant announcement: important archaeological discoveries had been unearthed outside the Marinid enclosure of this historic site.

Sijilmassa: A Crossroads of Civilizations

The site of Sijilmassa, situated near the Ziz wadi and close to Rissani, was inscribed on the national heritage list on November 23, 2017. Its archaeological importance is immense, as it served as a vital commercial hub connecting numerous civilizations, particularly those from Africa and the Orient.

The Future of Archaeology in Morocco

This partnership between the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication and SNRT marks a new chapter in the exploration and preservation of Morocco’s archaeological treasures. It is a testament to the commitment to shedding light on the country’s fascinating past and ensuring that these remarkable discoveries reach a wider audience both domestically and internationally. By leveraging media platforms and fostering research, Morocco is paving the way for a deeper understanding of its heritage and ensuring that its history continues to captivate the world.

world. Learn regarding the Chellah and Sijilmassa sites and their historical significance." />

World Heritage Site, historical monument, SNRT, Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, media coverage, research, heritage preservation, cultural tourism" />



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