Táchira. Maduro took the oath of office in San Cristóbal for his victory on July 28

The candidate for re-election for the presidential elections on July 28 by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and the Great Patriotic Pole (GPP), Nicolás Maduro Moros, visited the state of Táchira this Wednesday, July 10, in a tour that began in the municipalities bordering the department of Norte de Santander, Colombia, and culminated in the city of San Cristóbal.

Maduro arrived in San Antonio del Táchira, in the Bolívar municipality, where he was received by a group of supporters of the ruling party. From there he went to the Pedro María Ureña municipality to inaugurate the La Mulata aqueduct. While this was happening, marches were taking place in the streets of the capital of Táchira for what was called “the taking of San Cristóbal.”

The activity was called on the followingnoon of Tuesday, July 9 by the governor of Táchira, Freddy Bernal, who assured through social networks that the vice president of the governing party, Diosdado Cabello, would attend the event. However, within the red party it was said that Maduro would be the one to preside over the event, and so it happened.

Since early morning, buses from various municipalities and citizens on motorcycles wearing red shirts were seen moving through various streets of San Cristóbal. Some of them were concentrated on Rotaria Avenue, others in Barrio Obrero, and some in the upper part of the city.

PSUV rally in San Cristobal. Photos: Leizlly Barillas.

In the parking lot of the San Cristóbal Bullring, dozens of vehicles were parked with a mark on their windshield with the municipality they came from, and following the rally they began to move along the main avenues of the capital of Tachira, for the return.

Already in San Cristóbal, Maduro arrived on stage with Cilia Flores, accompanied by music and dancing. He received two gifts from Governor Freddy Bernal, a Deportivo Táchira jacket and a carved image of the Holy Christ of La Grita, as well as a sword of Bolívar that María del Carmen Ramírez de Briceño kept, which the regional leader requested to remain in the state for safekeeping.

With gloves in hand, Maduro grabbed his sword and made what he called the “oath of Saint Christopher,” with which he swore as the son of Chávez, for Bolívar and in front of his sword, that he would not rest his soul, nor his arm, “until we guarantee the supreme force for the historic victory of July 28… We will go to victory and it will be the victory of peace,” he said, while indicating to those present that this was how the army of liberators of the 21st century was sworn in.

Photos: Leizlly Barillas.

“We cannot allow them to bring transnational violence”

Nicolás Maduro referred to his visit to the border, stating that thanks to the work of Freddy Bernal, Táchira stopped being the most violent state in the country and became the safest, despite the fact that (he said) just a few minutes away there is a territory with violence, paramilitaries and crime.

He said that “the usual haters and the haters want to bring the violence of the paramilitaries… We cannot allow them to bring transnational violence and the paramilitaries to Venezuela,” he added.

He referred to the Colombian paramilitary group that denounced that right-wing leaders in Venezuela were seeking to generate violence in the month of July, and in a strong tone he stated that “in Venezuela there will be peace before, during and following July 28. Peace and stability.”

The event ended with more singing and dancing by the musical groups in attendance.

Photos: Leizlly Barillas.

#Táchira #Maduro #oath #office #San #Cristóbal #victory #July
2024-07-11 00:47:37



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