Jérémie Guilbert on the Way to Revolutionizing Diagnostic Testing

Imagine being able to detect harmful bacteria in minutes, anywhere they might cause problems – in humans, water, food, and beyond. This is the challenge that Jérémie Guilbert and Louis-Philippe Dallaire, two physics PhD students, are taking on with their Quebec-based company, DéteXion.

Their goal is to develop sensors that make diagnostic testing more accessible for professionals across various industries. "Our vision is to offer a rapid test catalog, similar to those used for COVID-19, for many industries," explains Guilbert. Pathogens like bacteria and viruses exist everywhere: "In human medicine, the agri-food industry, animal health, water safety – we want applications in all these fields."

DéteXion’s path toward this goal starts with the veterinary industry. "We’ll use the veterinary industry as a validation ground for our technology before moving into human medicine," says Guilbert. By fall 2024, their prototype will be able to detect infections in dairy cows.

"Dairy cows often develop udder infections like mastitis, which harm milk production," Guilbert explains. "But currently, it takes two to three days, or even longer, to get lab results and determine the cause of the infection, just like in human healthcare."

This delay presents two significant problems. Firstly, veterinarians are often forced to give blind treatments to help the animal quickly, which can contribute to antibiotic resistance. Secondly, the long wait and complex procedures discourage many from testing at all.

"We know that increased testing is vital for better disease control on farms and ultimately, greater milk production," says Guilbert. "Our technology will allow veterinarians to conduct more tests on dairy farms, leading to healthier cows and more profitable farms."

DéteXion’s user-friendly technology, under development since fall 2021, involves a reader that professionals use to analyze samples. A cartridge containing micro-sensors, invisible to the naked eye, holds the sample (such as cow’s milk). A simple button press initiates the analysis, and the results are displayed within 15 to 30 minutes.

"Our microsensors are fluorescent, meaning they glow and emit light," explains Guilbert. "When bacteria bind to them, the light changes. Our equipment, an optical and electronic system, measures the light these microsensors emit. Using a patented data analysis method developed at Université Laval, we can pinpoint the specific bacteria that have bound to our microsensors."

Louis-Philippe Dallaire developed this data analysis method during his research at Université Laval. He joined forces with Jérémie Guilbert in 2021, with the shared goal of making this technology accessible through DéteXion. "It’s vital that scientists bring their technology into the field, adapt it to the real world, and make it useful to society," states Guilbert.

Since 2021, the team has continuously worked on the engineering and know-how behind the device. Now, they’re nearing the end of prototyping and are negotiating a worldwide patent license with Université Laval.

Their goal is to have a functional prototype by October, when they’ll conduct initial demonstrations using milk tests. They’ll then set up pilot projects on farms in the Centre-du-Québec region, working with veterinary clinics. These clinics will use the technology in real-world scenarios to verify its efficacy.

If the pilot projects are successful, a commercial version of DéteXion’s technology might launch in 2026.

Guilbert and Dallaire wholeheartedly believe in their technology. They seem to have a strong tailwind, judging by their rapid company growth. "A year ago, we were a team of two," says Guilbert. "Today, we’re seven."

The next challenge is to encourage professionals to adopt DéteXion’s tool. "It’s our biggest challenge, but we think we’re on the right track," concludes Guilbert.

If everything goes according to plan, the next step following the animal sector will be to pursue applications in human healthcare.

Revolutionizing Disease Detection: DéteXion’s Rapid Bacterial Sensing Technology

Imagine a world where identifying harmful bacteria is as simple and quick as using a home pregnancy test. That’s the vision of DéteXion, a Quebec-based startup founded by two physics PhD students, Jérémie Guilbert and Louis-Philippe Dallaire. Their innovative technology promises to revolutionize disease detection across various sectors, from veterinary medicine to human health and food safety.

Empowering Professionals with Rapid Diagnostic Tools

DéteXion is developing micro-sensor-based devices that provide rapid and accurate identification of bacteria. These sensors, invisible to the naked eye, are integrated into cartridges that can be easily inserted into a reader. Using a patented data analysis method developed at Université Laval, the reader detects the presence of specific bacteria within minutes, offering a revolutionary approach to diagnostics.

Targeting the Veterinary Industry First

DéteXion has strategically chosen to focus on the veterinary industry as their initial target market. They believe this sector provides a valuable proving ground for their technology before venturing into human health applications.

Addressing the Challenges Faced by Veterinarians

Dairy farmers frequently encounter mastitis, a common udder infection in cows that significantly impacts milk production. Existing diagnostic methods can take days or even weeks to provide results, leading to delays in treatment and contributing to the growing concern of antibiotic resistance.

DéteXion’s technology aims to empower veterinarians by offering rapid and accurate diagnostics, allowing them to promptly identify the causative agent of mastitis and administer targeted treatments. This approach not only improves animal welfare but also promotes better disease control and increased milk yield, ultimately enhancing farm profitability

The Technology Behind DéteXion’s Innovation

Easy-to-Use Design

The user-friendly design of DéteXion’s technology is one of its key strengths. A veterinary professional simply needs to insert a sample (e.g., milk) into a cartridge containing the microsensors, insert it into the reader, and press a button. The reader, equipped with optical and electronic systems, analyzes the data and provides the results within 15 to 30 minutes.

Fluorescent Microsensors

The heart of DéteXion’s technology lies in the fluorescent microsensors. These sensors emit light, and when bacteria bind to them, a change in the emitted light occurs. The reader measures this change with precision, allowing the system to identify the specific bacteria present in the sample.

Patented Data Analysis Method

Developed by Louis-Philippe Dallaire during his research at Université Laval, the data analysis method employed by DéteXion is a key component of the technology’s accuracy. This method, patented by the university, analyzes the light signals from the microsensors and translates them into meaningful results, providing a rapid and reliable identification of the pathogen.

Pilot Projects and Commercialization Plans

DéteXion is currently in the final stages of prototyping their system and has entered into negotiations with Université Laval for a worldwide license of the patent. They plan to conduct initial demonstrations, focusing on milk tests, in October 2024. Following these demonstrations, they will engage in pilot projects on dairy farms in the Centre-du-Québec region, collaborating with veterinary clinics to validate the technology in real-world settings.

If these pilot projects prove successful, DéteXion expects to commercialize the first version of their technology in 2026.

A Team Driven by Innovation

The founders of DéteXion, Jérémie Guilbert and Louis-Philippe Dallaire, are passionate regarding bringing their scientific discoveries to the forefront of applied research. They believe that scientists have a responsibility to translate their knowledge into practical solutions that benefit society. Their dedication to this mission is evident in their rapid growth, with the team now expanding from two individuals to seven.

The Future of DéteXion

DéteXion’s rapid bacterial sensing technology holds significant promise for the future of disease detection. Once established in the veterinary industry, the company aims to expand its reach into human health. This ambitious goal underscores their commitment to developing solutions that enhance disease prevention and control across a wide range of sectors.

A New Era of Efficient and Accessible Diagnostics

DéteXion’s technology offers a compelling solution to the limitations of traditional diagnostic methods. By providing rapid, accurate, and user-friendly testing, DéteXion aims to empower professionals in various fields, making timely and informed decisions possible.

Their innovative technology has the potential to revolutionize disease detection and lead to earlier interventions, improved outcomes, and ultimately, a healthier future for both animals and humans.



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