Self-sabotage could prevent you from having a healthy relationship

Carabobo.- It is known by experts that those wounds that are obtained during life might be present when one wants to look for something better, but the custom of the ancient patterns bind to not achieve the satisfaction of a healthy relationship.

Psychologist Lisbeth Bolívar stated that Self-sabotage is an unconscious mechanism that seeks to protect us from the emotional pain that might be effecting a change within our being.

He pointed out that this would manifest itself in people with a marked experience and that these would cause problems within a relationship. He also indicated that it can appear in various ways such as:the idealization of the couple, attributing perfect qualities to him and then we are disappointed when he does not fulfill them, provoking conflicts to avoid emotional intimacy, distancing himself from the partner for fear of commitment or closeness, staying in dysfunctional relationships and blaming himself for assuming responsibility total of the relationship problems.

“Unhealed emotional wounds can affect relationships in a variety of ways because they present themselves as difficulty trusting due to fear of being hurt once more, need for control to avoid harm, and so on. pain, jealousy and possessiveness, difficulty in expressing emotions and needs clearly and the repetition of unhealthy or inappropriate behaviors that damage the relationship,” she reported during an interview with the newspaper Notitarde.

How do we cultivate awareness of our actions?

The expert expressed that awareness of how our actions affect the relationship is cultivated through self-observation of our thoughts, emotions and behaviors, especially in times of conflict.

He added that you can also practice by trying understand your partner’s perspective and feelings, seek to have emotional responsibility and assertive communication.

“Expressing your needs and feelings in a clear, direct and respectful way will help improve your relationships,” she said.

Finally, he indicated that it is important to seek help. professional when these problems begin to affect us deeply and become a risk to the stability of the relationship.

“If you feel that you cannot manage your emotions or behavioral patterns on your own, A psychologist can guide you through the process healing and improving your relationships,” he concluded.

#Selfsabotage #prevent #healthy #relationship
2024-07-10 20:07:38



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