IACHR rapporteur expressed solidarity with Armando.info journalists following Saab’s accusations

Following the accusations presented by the Attorney General of the Nicolás Maduro administration, Towing William Saabin which journalists from the portal allegedly Armando.info would be linked to the former Chavista minister Tareck El Aissami, The reason why an alleged plot to discredit Maduro has been unleashed has generated various reactions.

One of them was the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of the Press of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), Pedro Vacawho expressed solidarity with the journalists.

Reports of persecution of journalists in Venezuela are worrying. I express my solidarity with Armando.info and call on the authorities to respect press freedom.”he highlighted through his account on X.

He recalled that the 2023 Annual Report of the IACHR Special Rapporteur warned regarding judicial harassment once morest Venezuelan journalists, as highlighted The National.

Through a statement, the Armando.info portal stated that the accusations fabricated once morest the journalistic team of this media outlet confirm “the importance of Alex Saab in the corrupt environment of Nicolás Maduro, and constitute evidence of a new and desperate attempt on his part to prevent the circulation of relevant information regarding the merchant of Colombian origin”.

Another of the reactions that were not long in coming were those of the SNational Press Workers’ Union (SNTP), He also rejected “the stigmatizing policy once morest journalists and media workers. This is a violation of freedom of expression and a censorship mechanism that inhibits debate and prosecutes journalists.”.

In response to all this, the director of the Americas Division of Human Rights Watch, Juanita Goebertus, also issued a statement saying that “another tactic of the regime to censor and intimidate before the elections. Countries in the region must demand guarantees for press freedom”.

He National College of Journalists (CNP) He also rejected Saab’s accusations once morest several Venezuelan journalists and said that in Venezuela, reporting has become a crime due to a politicized and rigged justice system.

#IACHR #rapporteur #expressed #solidarity #Armando.info #journalists #Saabs #accusations
2024-07-10 20:04:38



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