“Our occupational health system, the first pillar of society and the state, is in crisis”

2024-07-10 15:30:05

In France, more than two employees die every day due to work accidents, more than 1,500 work accidents lead to work stoppages, and more than 120 new diseases caused by occupational activities are recognized and compensated by sickness insurance. For too many French people, work is a source of danger and disease. It is entirely possible to improve this situation and thereby open up the horizons of fundamental social conquest for many of our compatriots, especially the working class.

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These figures should raise awareness of the state of working conditions, especially since they have shown worrying stability for more than a decade and underestimate the real impact of working conditions on workers’ health. Each year, fewer than 300 cancers are actually considered occupational diseases—other than those related to asbestos exposure—while the most cautious epidemiologists estimate that the number of work-related cancers is at least 20 times higher; a report public health franceA report published in April 2023 shows that unrecognized occupational pathologies continue to increase, starting with psychological distress.

The problem goes beyond the experience of illness: According to the Department of Labor, 37% of employed workers in France declare their jobs “Unsustainable”in the sense that they feel like they can’t make it to retirement.

silent pain

The figures also mask deep social inequalities when it comes to whether work can be considered a factor in personal well-being. The worst affected are the working class: construction workers, home help, cleaner as well as the agri-food industry, temporary workers, subcontracting company employees In industry or logistics…a silent pain, as it is killed and hidden, that fuels social resentment and its political expression.

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Our occupational health system, the first pillar of the social state established at the end of the 19th century, is now in crisis. Ethical harassment, work-related suicides, psychosocial risks, burnout, poor quality of work… These numbers have been rising for more than two decades, and the professional bodies responsible for these problems, occupational medicine and labor inspection, have been the most concerned from the beginning. It is important that regular reforms, purportedly aimed at making their operations more effective, help Reduce quantity and means. We have observed it for twenty years The effect of these reforms was weak and the slow progress of a prevention culture in organizations, among others.

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