Women aged 40 can now have mammograms without a doctor’s order

Asuncion, IP Agency.- All women aged 40 and over will be able to access mammograms without a doctor’s order in health services, as part of the early detection programme for breast cancer.

The Ministry of Health announced that from now on, all women aged 40 and over will have access to this test in the health services that are part of the oncology network, as part of the early detection programme for breast cancer, which must be carried out annually according to the guidelines, without the need for a medical order.

This is established through Resolution No. 336 of the Ministry of Public Health. Law No. 6,266/2018 on Comprehensive Care for People with Cancer, provides in its article 1 that the objective of the law is to guarantee all persons timely and quality access to decent and comprehensive health care for cancer, which includes health promotion, disease prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, mental health and palliative care.

The importance of applying this measure lies in several crucial aspects such as timely and facilitated access and, by eliminating the barrier of needing a medical order, it makes it easier for more women at risk to access mammograms more quickly and easily.

This is essential because breast cancer is highly treatable if detected early, so any delay in performing the exam might negatively impact the patient’s prognosis.

This will lead to an increase in early detection, since screening mammograms are the cornerstone for early detection of breast cancer, even in asymptomatic women. Early detection significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and long-term survival.

In addition, allowing more women to undergo regular mammograms may reduce the incidence of late-stage diagnoses, which is crucial to improving health outcomes.

The measure also aims to raise awareness of the importance of early detection of breast cancer. This can lead to greater public education on breast health, the importance of regular check-ups and self-examination, thus contributing to better overall health of the female population.

The goal is also to reduce administrative and logistical barriers, since the need for a doctor’s order can often discourage some women from getting a mammogram.

Removing this barrier may encourage more women to prioritize their breast health, especially those who may not have easy access to regular medical services or who may face obstacles such as lack of time or resources.

In terms of economic and public health impact, early detection and timely treatment of breast cancer not only improve the quality of life of patients and their families, but can also reduce the costs associated with more intensive treatments in advanced stages of the disease.

#Women #aged #mammograms #doctors #order
2024-07-10 16:23:43



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