Chr. Dimas: We seek to put an end to the pathologies that characterize the functioning of economic life – 2024-07-10 13:26:45

“We have moved forward with legislative initiatives but there are many more to come, which will benefit businessmen and chambers”, stressed Christos Dimas, welcoming the extended meeting of the KEEE Administrative Committee, at the two-day event organized by the Chamber of Corinth.

In his post on social media, the Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance, Mr. Dimas noted: “I presented a series of imminent and implemented legislative interventions, with which we seek in the Ministry of National Economy and Finance to put an end to pathogens, the which also characterize the functioning of economic life in our country.

I referred, in particular, to our initiatives on the digital transaction fee, uninsured vehicles and a series of codifications, which concern the income tax code, the tax procedure code, the VAT, the property tax code, the national customs code, the digital fee transaction etc.’

Who else attended the meeting?

In the announcement of KEEE, it is also pointed out that, for his part, the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Vassilis Spanakis, underlined the value of the energy transition and the green transformation for all businesses.

“The government is present, enacting and providing incentives for the transformation of businesses while utilizing resources with the aim of climate neutrality,” said Mr. Spanakis, while the Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy, Nikos Tagaras, stated that cooperation solves problems for businesses. He also made reference to the new zoning of businesses through urban plans. “Businesses will not deal with the risk of vulnerability,” he added.

Subsequently, the Secretary of Commerce of the Ministry of Development, Sotiris Anagnostopoulos, referred to the codification efforts that have taken place, while he spoke regarding the chamber elections and the new organizations, which will have digital organizational charts and the ability to recruit staff.

The regional governor of Peloponnese, Dimitris Ptochos, referred to the priorities regarding the strategy for the energy transition, attracting investments and supporting businesses, so that they are extroverted and competitive. “Entrepreneurship is a culture,” he said characteristically.

On behalf of the political parties, the director of New Democracy, Yiannis Smyrlis, from SYRIZA Nasos Papargyropoulos, from KKE MP Paraskevi Daga, and from Hellenic Solution Fotini Kalantzi addressed the greeting.

The representatives of the chambers

The 1st vice-president of KEEE, Iordanis Tsotsos, in his presentation, emphasized the urgent need to support small and medium entrepreneurship. “Funds are needed, although small and medium-sized enterprises – and especially small enterprises – remain excluded from financing, programs and bank lending and this must change”, he noted, adding that KEEE monitors, gathers and codifies the problems of entrepreneurship .

The host president, Panagiotis Louziotis, in his introduction, pointed out: “Chambers are a bridge between businesses and the state. In this context, the state must support us to contribute from our side to economic development and prosperity. The future of the economy is intertwined with the future of our businesses.”

From the Administrative Committee, the 5th vice-president, Yannis Voutsinas, spoke regarding the need to protect the image of our country in the context of tourism development, while the financial supervisor, Vassilis Giagiakos, underlined the value of collaborations and partnerships for the development and progress of chambers. The person in charge of Outreach and Public Relations, Stefanos Georgiadis, raised the issue of the scientific human resources that are leaving the country, but also of the investment environment, which needs improvement, by removing delays and other obstacles. The head of GEMI and Business Services, Manolis Alifierakis, referred to the next steps concerning GEMI.

The president of GSEVEE, Giorgos Kavvathas, referred to the need for substantial and not pretentious participation of chambers in the planning of economic policy, while the president of ESEE, Giorgos Karanikas, noted: “We must improve our effectiveness as social partners for the benefit of entrepreneurs.”

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