PNC is left without patrols in the province due to lack of maintenance and repairs – 2024-07-10 13:16:44


PNC is left without patrols in the province due to lack of maintenance and repairs

Vehicles broke down due to constant use and the main problem is the transfer of detainees to the courts.

Abandoned patrol cars on property in zone 6. (Photo Prensa Libre: PL Archives)

The National Civil Police (PNC) lacks patrol cars in the province and one of the main difficulties is the transfer of detainees to the courts, because the vehicles assigned to them had irreparable mechanical defects, according to authorities of that institution.

Last February, the United States Government donated 16 patrol cars and 3 private vehicles valued at US$600 thousand, According to police authorities, these vehicles are used to mobilize at least 100 agents assigned to fight drug trafficking, human trafficking and smuggling. However, they also recognize that even with the number of vehicles purchased by the Ministry of the Interior (Mingob), the demand for police transportation in the province is still not met.

The General Directorate of the PNC reported that the municipalities most affected by the lack of patrol cars are located in Quezaltenango, Retalhuleu, San Marcos, Solola, Suchitepequez and Totonicapan.

One of the affected localities has also been San Pedro Necta, Huehuetenango, where local authorities have requested more transportation for police personnel, arguing that criminal groups have better vehicles, which allows them to take advantage of PNC agents to escape.

Although he did not provide the exact locations or the number of vehicles the institution has, the director of the PNC, David Custodio Boteo, stated that the problem exists, and it is due to the fact that there is a fleet of old police vehicles and due to the type of terrain in some municipalities they have suffered more wear.

Currently, the PNC patrol fleet is receiving maintenance in the workshops of the Department of Mobile Material (DMM) of the Subdirectorate General of Support and Logistics (SGAL) of the PNC, located in zone 6 of the capital, where police authorities claim to have the necessary resources to carry out repairs and mechanical updates for motorcycles and patrol cars. However, they acknowledge that there are cars that are beyond repair.

“The problem is that the engine has blown and it can no longer be repaired,” said Custodio Boteo.

The police chief added that due to the lack of patrol cars, it is difficult to transport detainees to the courts and they must request support from police stations in other regions where vehicles are available, which also means more time to complete judicial proceedings.

In order not to violate public safety, Custodio Boteo indicated that vehicles began to be replaced with motorcycles in regions where there are no patrol cars.


In 2021, Prensa Libre confirmed through a tour that at the headquarters of the Police Academy, located in Zone 6 of the capital, there were more than one hundred police units outside with the initials of different police stations and commands of the institution. The lettering is blue and white with yellow and black letters, which is what the patrol cars currently have.

Police officials who wish to remain anonymous confirmed that the patrol cars abandoned on the property are recent models and the damage is “repairable,” although there is no budget for the purchase of these spare parts.

A police commissioner said that in the province, officers have to travel long distances on motorcycles, which represents risks, especially when it rains and they have to respond to complaints, since some have suffered falls and have sometimes been run over.

Edwin Monroy, spokesman for the PNC, said he did not know the number of patrols that the agency has, although he assured that the fleet has been reduced and they must replace cars with motorcycles.

“What we don’t want is to neglect the lack of public safety. The problem is that sometimes they need to request support from other police stations so that they can send them a vehicle and thus bring the detained persons to court,” he said.


In 2022, the Ministry of the Interior (Mingob) acquired a thousand motorcycles and 39 patrol cars. LThe vehicles were distributed in different regions, while the motorcycles were assigned to the chiefs of the Southern and Western Districts.

In August 2023, the Ministry of the Interior delivered one thousand new TMR brand motorcycles, Police edition, with a 250 cubic centimeter engine, valued at Q31 million 990 thousand. Six four-wheelers and six light all-terrain vehicles were also purchased.


The maintenance of police vehicles involves multimillion-dollar costs for the Ministry of the Interior. According to the Guatecompras website, Q1,844,289 has been paid for the purchase of tires for police vehicles this year.

Engine oil was also purchased for an amount of Q1 million 474 thousand 768, and Q10 million 722 thousand were paid in fuel for vehicles of the PNC, the Penitentiary System and those used by the staff and ministers and vice-ministers of the Ministry of Public Works.

For an overhaul service, or to replace worn engine parts of a vehicle assigned to the General Subdirectorate of Police Health, Q39,500 was paid. Similarly, Q1 million 474 thousand 768 was spent on oils.

When Custodio Boteo took over his post in January of this year, he indicated that one of the main shortcomings of the PNC is the lack of budget and that the purchasing processes are also “cumbersome,” which leads to the different problems not being dealt with immediately.

“But it is not so much a question of resources, but rather the will of some authorities to not want to see these problems. As directors, we must go and see what is really needed, not wait for the reports,” he said.

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