Niki Kerameos: Retroactive maternity allowance for workers in DEKO, banks and SMEs – 2024-07-10 08:57:27

The extension of the maternity allowance to categories of working women that were left out following the 2023 regulation for self-employed women, farmers and freelancers was signed by the Minister of Labour, Niki Kerameos.

As he told OREN on Tuesday morning, the extension concerns working mothers in DEKO, banks and mass media. The measure also has retroactive effect as it concerns all women who gave birth from November 25, 2022 onwards.

“Our goal is to help mothers combine these two roles. Consider three pieces of protection: the first is pregnancy and maternity leave, the birth allowance and the third is maternity leave, which was 6 months and became 9 months. In 2023, the self-employed, female farmers and freelancers also entered for the first time. However, some working women were left out: mothers working in DEKO, in banks and mass media. Yesterday I signed the joint ministerial decision that extends the measure to these categories as well. And they apply retroactively, from births that have taken place since November 2022. Even if you gave birth then, your request is accepted by the employer,” explained Mrs. Kerameos.

As he pointed out, “the employer cannot refuse and I repeat it applies retroactively from November 25, 2022, all mothers who have given birth can make use of this maternity leave”.

For the teachers, however, for whom there is a different status, Mrs. Kerameos explained that it does not fall under her responsibilities and is a matter for the Ministry of Education.

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#Niki #Kerameos #Retroactive #maternity #allowance #workers #DEKO #banks #SMEs



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