“Scary Images” –

From an initial analysis of the vote in France to the balances between political families in Europe that are being redefined. But, first of all, the firm condemnation of the Russian attack on the Kiev pediatric hospital. It is a wide-ranging reflection that Giorgia Meloni carried out with journalists upon her arrival in Washington, when it was night in Italy, for a summit of the Atlantic Alliance from which she expects, she explains, «that NATO sends a message of unity and the ability to adapt to a changing world». «Italy brings the necessary attention to the Southern front and I believe it is a demonstration of how the Alliance knows how to imagine its role in a complex system», adds the Prime Minister. «Clearly there will be support for Ukraine that will certainly not be lacking», adds Meloni who says she is «satisfied with the work done so far».

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Meanwhile, before the eyes of the world there are those images “of children with cancer on the streets following the bombing of the hospital in Kiev”, “frightening” images, the Prime Minister continues. “I think they offer a dimension of the real will with respect to a certain Russian propaganda to seek a peaceful solution”, she warns. “When you attack the civilian population with this vehemence and you rage once morest children, the signals that arrive are definitely different”, she reiterates.

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We return to the issues related to political dynamics in Europe, starting with the vote in France. “The interpretation of the defeat of the Rassemblement National seems simplistic to me, no one can claim victory”, the prime minister reasons. “There were – she continues – three groups, none of which is capable of governing alone. And within some of these groups there are very clear differences. So we will see what happens”. “The result of the runoff is that no one won the elections”, the leader of Fratelli d’Italia points out once more, who foresees a “not easy” path for the formation of the new government. “From personal experience – she notes – I say that it is easier to govern when you share ideas rather than when you share an enemy”. Chapter alliances in Europe, then. Seeing Orban’s ‘Patriots’ as a Putinist group “seems to me to be a definition for observers”, Meloni is quick to say.

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#Scary #Images #Tempo
2024-07-10 08:12:36



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