The July fortune rankings for the 12 zodiac signs are out! “No. 1” Successful in career and love

The July fortune rankings for the 12 zodiac signs are out! “No. 1” Successful in career and love


July 2023 Fortune Rankings for the 12 Zodiac Signs

The July fortune rankings for the 12 zodiac signs are out! Teacher Xiao Meng from Qingshui Meng International Tarot posted on Facebook page “Teacher Xiao Meng’s Zodiac Tarot – Qingshui Meng” that the Emperor card is drawn in the upright position this month, and with Mars entering Taurus, there will be some noise regarding value this month, especially when it comes to financial, stock, and housing market related news. Because of this, everyone will especially want to discuss these things. If you are engaged in such related things, you should pay attention to the information flying around. It will be safer to verify it before investing. Venus is in Cancer this month and is in a trine with Saturn. This month is suitable for paying more attention to family care issues.

In addition, there will be new developments in food safety, and everyone will continue to pay attention to this aspect. The society will begin to think of better ways to solve related issues. If you are engaged in the catering industry, your awareness of their own hygiene and safety behavior will be relatively improved this month. Pluto in Aquarius will also have a good aspect with Jupiter, which has just entered Gemini this month. The visibility of scientific and technological issues in the international arena will be very high, especially the topic of AI will gradually become popular among the general public, allowing more people to know that this type of technology is beginning to affect our lives. The teacher suggests that Cancer and Leo take a slow walk on the river bank to ease tension and relax.

#12 Virgo

Virgo: Work requires patience, and don’t be fussy regarding emotions

Virgo’s career fortune this month is that you may feel that you are not getting along well with some of your partners in the workplace. You have to explain many things repeatedly, which makes you feel very tired. Although you may not be able to find a partner with whom you have a tacit understanding during this period, it is still best for you to do your job well. Friends who want to change jobs should be patient. Your recent work will not add much to your score, so you don’t need to rush to an interview.

In terms of emotions, lovers may be unhappy regarding trivial matters, but the two should not be too fussy regarding getting along with each other as this may hurt feelings. Single Virgo friends, it is easy for friends to introduce someone to you, but sometimes you may be too picky and miss out on the right person to develop a relationship with, so be careful.

In terms of financial luck, you may sometimes be too subjective in financial management, which makes you lose the flexibility in how you use money.

Category Fortune Lucky Color Noble Villain
Career ★★ Green Leo Capricorn
Love ★★

#11 Aquarius

Aquarius: Lack of confidence at work, listen to opinions more emotionally

Aquarius’s career fortune this month is that you may feel lacking confidence in many things at work recently, but others still believe in you. So don’t complain regarding yourself, but appreciate your own strengths. In addition, you will meet some great seniors who will share their work experiences with you. You can learn a lot from these people, which will broaden your horizons.

In terms of emotions, you and your partner may have different views on some current affairs. Perhaps you can listen more to each other’s opinions, and you may discover details that you have not noticed. Absorbing more information from different angles may help you understand where you stand. Single friends, you are currently indifferent to love. Although many people want to introduce someone to you, you don’t have to force yourself to socialize at this time. Wait until you are ready.

In terms of financial luck, you may be tempted to spend money impulsively, so you should be more restrained.

Category Fortune Lucky Color Noble Villain
Career ★★★ Orange Leo Capricorn
Love ★★★

#10 Taurus

Taurus: Pay attention to details at work and be more tolerant in emotions

Taurus’s career fortune this month: Mars is in your life house, so you will be a very popular figure this month. Because of this, you should be especially careful regarding your words and actions, as your words can be easily magnified. If you want to receive better evaluations, it may be helpful to share more positive messages. If you just want to win for the moment, you may feel that you win at the moment, but in the long run you will suffer great losses, so you should pay more attention to this matter.

People with emotions are prone to quarrels. In the past, you tended to deal with your partner with a tolerant attitude, but now you are not patient enough and you get unhappy when you hear something you don’t like. In order to live in peace in this relationship, you should listen more to each other’s heart. Single Taurus people will let others see your strengths this month. If you want to develop a new relationship, you must go out and socialize more, so that you can attract people who appreciate you.

In terms of financial luck, you have a good eye for investment and can run things well.

Category Fortune Lucky Color Noble Villain
Career ★★★ White Capricorn Gemini
Love ★★

#9 Pisces

Pisces: Work attracts attention, and emotions fluctuate

Pisces’ career horoscope this month: You are likely to attract the attention of your superiors at work recently. No matter how well or badly you perform, your superiors will easily see your performance. But don’t feel pressured or afraid. You should take this opportunity to ask your supervisor more questions. They will be willing to teach and share their work experience with you. You just need to remember these well, as they will be useful in the future.

In terms of emotions, you and your partner may easily have hot and cold feelings. You need to get along with each other on a quality basis and not just do things between boyfriend and girlfriend. You should care more regarding each other and communicate with each other attentively. This will strengthen your relationship. Single Pisces friends, you may easily be self-indulgent. Although you can easily have an ambiguous relationship with someone, don’t give yourself too many beautiful imaginations before confirming the relationship, so as to avoid the real development being easily shattered.

In terms of financial luck, you may want to buy some higher-priced items easily, but if they are too much of a burden, you should avoid impulse buying.

Category Fortune Lucky Color Noble Villain
Career ★★★ White Libra Lion
Love ★★★

#8 Libra

Libra: Work is a bit overworked, emotions create memories

Libra’s career fortune this month is that you may have too much work to do recently. If you feel overloaded, you must ask for help from people around you, so that you don’t find out that you need to make adjustments when problems arise at work. In addition, because of the phenomenon of overwork, you must maintain a balance between body and mind in order to perform well at work.

In terms of emotions, lovers tend to be too busy and forget to manage their relationship. They still need to care regarding each other on a daily basis. They should create small trips when they have the chance to rekindle their emotions. Single Libra friends, you tend to choose people based on appearance, but sometimes relationships that develop too quickly are prone to problems. It is better to slow down and get to know each other carefully before taking the relationship further.

In terms of wealth, you have a lot of ideas regarding financial management and are easy to accept new knowledge, but don’t be greedy and quit when you are ahead in the investment market.

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Category Fortune Lucky Color Noble Villain
Career ★★★ Blue Sagittarius Virgin
Love ★★★

#7 Aries

Aries: Actively reflect on work and empathize with others

Aries’ career horoscope this month is that it is easy for someone to bring up old issues with you. If you have done something wrong in the past, it is easy for people to criticize you. The best way to deal with it is to actively reflect on yourself and accept the strategy that needs to be adjusted. If you only want to do things your own way, you are likely to face backlash from others. Pay special attention to the issue of getting along with others.

In terms of emotions, your partner may get angry with you because of the bad things you did to him/her in the past. If you want the relationship to continue, you must be willing to communicate with him/her with a self-reflective attitude. If you just keep expressing your own opinions without empathizing with the other person, this can easily lead to a split in the relationship. Single Aries, you tend to speak your mind, and although you are not scheming, sometimes you don’t know how to read people’s faces and easily make the other person unhappy, which is not a good thing.

When it comes to investing, you tend to act impulsively and need to evaluate patiently before taking the next step.

Category Fortune Lucky Color Noble Villain
Career ★★★ Purple Capricorn Virgin
Love ★★★

#6 Scorpio

Scorpio: Feeling stressed at work and depressed

Scorpio’s career fortune this month is that you are likely to encounter people who make you feel pressured at work. Although these people are very capable and you have the opportunity to learn from them, sometimes they move too fast and expect you to keep up, which will cause psychological pressure. But you still have to be willing to sprint and not block your opportunity to perform because of fear.

In terms of emotions, you may feel a bit depressed when you are together recently, so you should practice talking it out. Otherwise, if you keep silent, your feelings for each other will gradually drift apart, which is not good. Single friends, you may be easily affected by unhappy relationships in the past, which makes it difficult to build trusting relationships with new people. You should relax and get to know more people, and don’t isolate yourself.

In terms of wealth, it will be good for you if you strictly abide by the discipline in investment and financial management.

Category Fortune Lucky Color Noble Villain
Career ★★★★ Red Leo Capricorn
Love ★★★

#5 Capricorn

Capricorn: Work is getting better, but emotional support is needed

Capricorn’s career horoscope this month: you will have good progress in your partnerships recently. In the past, you always had to work out opinions and ideas with these people, but you are getting more and more likely to get on with things. And because they have been with you for a long time, everyone is very confident in your personality and work ability. If you can use your talents more in this group, it will be of great help to everyone.

In terms of emotions, your partner really needs your support and applause this month, which will make him/her more energetic in facing life’s difficulties. You are a good partner for lovers. Single friends, you are a very reassuring partner to talk regarding relationships with. Because of this, many elders will like you and want to introduce you to someone. If you are interested, it would be a good idea to get to know more regarding the people they introduce you to.

In terms of financial luck, you are a very conservative investor, but because of this you will actually accumulate good numbers, so you must maintain good habits.

Category Fortune Lucky Color Noble Villain
Career ★★★★ Gray Virgo Aries
Love ★★★★

#4 Leo

Leo: Too much work and too much emotional busyness

Leo’s career horoscope this month: You will likely receive many new external tasks at work this month. Although you are not ready to accept these things, these things will find you because your superiors and colleagues think you are very suitable to handle these things, which is a kind of affirmation. However, if you feel the pressure is too great and the workload is too heavy, you still have to respond. Otherwise, accepting too much work will easily affect your physical health.

In terms of emotions, you and your partner are both busy with your own work, so you two need to find time to date to enhance your relationship. Single friends, you need to expand your interpersonal relationships. Sometimes you won’t be able to meet new people if you stay at home too much, so go out and make friends more often.

In terms of wealth, you will have your own investment ideas. Although they are ideal, you still need to do a good job of risk control.

Category Fortune Lucky Color Noble Villain
Career ★★★★ Yellow Taurus Capricorn
Love ★★★

3rd Place Gemini

Gemini: Work is recognized and emotions are loved

Gemini’s career fortune this month, Jupiter begins to enter your life palace. Your words will be very influential this month, and others will easily affirm you for what you do, but you must also pay attention to whether you are on the right path for your life and work. As long as you are on the right path, you will soon be able to get a good voice and response.

In terms of emotions, lovers will feel particularly fond of you this month, and what you say can also influence the other person, so if you make requests to your partner this month, the chances of getting what you want are very high. Use your words to praise the other person, and your lover will be very happy. Single Gemini friends, you will be very popular in the love market, but because of this, you must carefully choose the right partner for development, and don’t be easily fooled and lose your judgment.

In terms of wealth, you need to make good financial allocations. Sometimes being too optimistic in investment can lead to a small loss and a big loss.

Category Fortune Lucky Color Noble Villain
Career ★★★★ Green Sagittarius Virgin
Love ★★★★

#2 Sagittarius

Sagittarius: Improve your work ability, don’t be perfunctory regarding your emotions

Sagittarius’s career fortune this month is that everyone at work recognizes your abilities, and because of your outstanding performance, it is easy for other departments or companies to be interested in you. If a company you like comes to poach you, you must look for new possibilities, which may be helpful for your future career development. In addition, you can find more courses to learn, which will also add points to your work ability.

In terms of emotions, you will make your partner feel that you are not serious because you are always laughing and joking. The other party will think that you are just perfunctory, so you should be serious regarding certain things to let the other party know that you care. Single friends, you are always too slow to realize things. Although you get along well with others, sometimes the person who likes you hints many times but you still don’t notice, which will really make the other party mad. So be careful.

In terms of financial luck, it is easy to listen to other people’s advice on investment, but you should deal with it rationally.

Category Fortune Lucky Color Noble Villain
Career ★★★★★ White Libra Lion
Love ★★★

#1 Cancer

Cancer: Work sharing experience, full of emotional charm

Cancer’s career fortune this month: The Sun and Venus enter your natal house. You will feel happy most of the time this month, and you will be more confident than before. You can develop more of the things you want to do, and it will be easy to succeed. You can also share your ideas in front of your colleagues and they will easily be affirmed.

Those who are in love really need your care and concern in terms of emotions. You can provide warmth to the other person, and they will be motivated to work as long as they hear your encouragement. Single friends, you look particularly attractive this month, so it is easy for you to attract others to approach you, but because of this, you must keep your eyes open when choosing someone, and don’t get seasick too quickly.

In terms of financial luck, you will have your own ideas regarding investment, but the general direction should still be conservative and stable.

Category Fortune Lucky Color Noble Villain
Career ★★★★★ Black Pisces Aries
Love ★★★★

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