Global PC shipments rise in second quarter, Apple records biggest jump, according to IDC

Global PC shipments rose 3% in the second quarter, boosted by demand for AI-enabled devices. Apple saw the largest growth among PC makers, according to preliminary data from research firm IDC released on Tuesday.

PC shipments reached 64.9 million units in the three months ending June, marking the second consecutive quarter of growth following two years of decline, according to the report.

Apple posted the largest increase among global PC makers, with a 20.8% increase over the second quarter of 2023, followed by a 13.7% increase for the Acer Group, IDC said.

The PC market is expected to recover from a lull in orders following the pandemic-induced buying wave.

“Two consecutive quarters of growth, market hype around artificial intelligence-powered PCs and a commercial refresh cycle appear to be exactly what the PC market needed,” said Ryan Reith, group vice president at IDC’s Worldwide Device Trackers.

“The hype is clearly regarding AI, but there is also a lot going on in non-AI PC purchases, so this mature market is showing positive signs.”

However, weak results in China continued to dampen the market, IDC said. Excluding China, global shipments increased more than 5% year-on-year in the quarter.

China’s Lenovo Group had the highest market share with 22.7%, followed by HP with 21.1%.

Dell Technologies’ market share was 15.5%, while shipments fell 2.4%. (Reporting by Harshita Mary Varghese; Editing by Maju Samuel)

The Essential Guide to the `

` Tag in HTML

The `

` tag, short for “division,” is a fundamental building block in HTML. It’s a versatile container that allows you to group elements together, apply styles, and control the layout of your web pages. This comprehensive guide will delve into the world of `

` tags, explaining their purpose, uses, and essential attributes.

Understanding the `

` Tag

In simple terms, the `

` tag creates a “box” on your web page where you can place other HTML elements. This “box” isn’t visually distinct by default; its role is to structure and organize your content. Here’s an example:


My Website

This is a paragraph of text.


In this code snippet, `

` acts as a container for the `

` and `

` elements, grouping them together. The `

` itself won’t show up on the webpage, but it helps you logically organize and style your content later on.

Key Uses of `

` Tags

Here’s a breakdown of common ways `

` tags are employed in web development:

  • Grouping Elements: One of the most basic uses of `
    ` is to group logically related elements together. For example, you might use a `

    ` to enclose the elements that make up a navigation menu or a product listing. This helps you apply styles to the group as a whole.
  • Creating Sections: Think of `
    ` tags like the chapters of a book. You can use them to divide your webpage into distinct sections. This is particularly useful for organizing long pages and making them easier to navigate.
  • Styling with CSS: `
    ` tags are essential for applying styles using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). You can use CSS selectors to target specific `

    ` elements and modify their appearance – colors, fonts, margins, padding, etc.
  • Page Layout: Although frameworks and techniques like Flexbox and CSS Grid are popular for web page layout, `
    ` tags play a fundamental role in the organization. You can arrange and structure the content on your page using nested `

    ` elements, creating rows, columns, etc.
  • Adding Structure: `
    ` tags add semantic meaning to your HTML. By using them carefully, you can make your code more readable and easier to understand, both for you and for search engines.
  • For Accessibility: `
    ` tags can help improve accessibility. For instance, wrapping content in a `

    ` with a descriptive ARIA role (like `role=”banner”` for a website header) can be helpful for screen readers.

Essential `

` Attributes

While `

` tags are commonly used without attributes, there are some that can be particularly useful:

  • **id:** The `id` attribute allows you to uniquely identify a specific `
    ` tag. This is important for targeting it with CSS or JavaScript. Each `id` value should be unique within your HTML document.
  • **class:** The `class` attribute provides a way to group `
    ` tags together and apply styles to all elements that share that class. This is useful for applying the same styles to multiple similar elements.
  • **style:** Allows you to inline style a `
    ` directly within the HTML. However, it’s generally recommended to apply styles using external CSS files for better separation of concerns and maintainability.

HTML Table Showing Common `

` Attributes

Attribute Description Example
id Unique identifier for a specific `


class Grouping elements together for style application

style Inline styling for a `


Best Practices for Using `

` Tags

To ensure well-structured and optimized HTML, follow these guidelines:

  • **Use Semantic HTML:** When possible, use more specific elements (like `header`, `nav`, `main`, `article`, `aside`) instead of relying solely on `
    ` tags. This improves the accessibility and SEO of your webpage.
  • **Avoid Unnecessary Nesting:** Overly nested `
    ` tags can make your code hard to read and debug. Try to use the minimum number of `

    ` elements necessary to achieve the desired structure.
  • **Apply Styles Externally:** Use external CSS files to style your `
    ` tags rather than inline styling, promoting cleaner separation of concerns and easier maintenance.
  • **Use Meaningful IDs and Classes:** When assigning IDs and classes, choose names that clearly reflect the purpose of the `
    ` and its content. This helps keep your code easily understandable.

Conclusion: `

` Tags as the Foundation

The `

` tag is an incredibly versatile and fundamental element in HTML. By effectively using `

` tags, you build structure, organization, and flexibility into your web pages. Mastering the `

` tag is a crucial step in mastering HTML and creating well-structured, visually appealing websites.



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