LIVA Supervisory Board: Terminate employment relationship with Dietmar Kerschbaum with immediate effect

The supervisory board of Linzer Veranstaltungs GmbH (LIVA) has just unanimously decided, following a three-hour special meeting in the New Linz City Hall, that the employment relationship with artistic director Dietmar Kerschbaum should be terminated with immediate effect. For formal reasons, this recommendation still has to be approved by the KKV (Creativity, Culture & Events of the City of Linz Holding).

TV analysis with OÖN culture director Peter Grubmüller:

Kerschbaum had been accused of massive violations of the Brucknerhaus’ compliance rules and self-dealing. These allegations were confirmed by a recent report from the Control Office.


Peter Grubmüller

Head of Culture

Peter Grubmüller

Peter Grubmüller


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