don’t pay the 2 thousand euros –

Leonardo Ventura

Do you remember the 5 Star Movement? The one with the refunds? The minimum wage, plus some expenses reimbursed with receipts? Here it seems to be definitively buried. Now the mechanism has changed, the mechanism of refunds has changed: 2000 euros every month to be donated to the Movement. Only not everyone has enthusiastically joined this new course. There are 38, at least according to Repubblica, grillini who are not in order. Among them are important names such as Conte’s deputy Gubitosa, Castellone, the inflexible Cafiero De Raho, Cantone, Lovecchio and Scerra. For Conte’s deputy the last payment dates back to a year ago. In July he paid 16 thousand euros plus 4 thousand to pay off eight months of arrears. The last transfer from Senator Maria Domenica Castellone, for 2000 euros, dates back to February. There has been no news of the payments from former magistrate De Raho since last December. While MP Luciano Cantone has not paid since November 2022.

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The reason? For some it is a simple delay, for others a move in the hope that no one will notice, but for others it is a strategic move, a way to make the ground disappear from under Giuseppe Conte’s feet. Giorgio Lovecchio has not “paid” since October 2022. Both are waiting to understand what will happen and if there will be an exemption for the limit of two mandates, a bit like the deputies close to Luigi Di Maio did in the last legislature who, waiting to abandon ship, stopped paying the money owed. At the time it ended with the M5S that was forced to involve lawyers and letters of warning which however, as widely predictable, remained unanswered.

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#dont #pay #thousand #euros #Tempo
2024-07-09 23:16:34



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