The opposition in Venezuela warned that Nicolás Maduro is preparing a “scenario of violence” for the presidential elections

The Venezuelan Communist Party’s Warning regarding Maduro and the Presidential Elections

The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) expressed its “concern” this Tuesday regarding the Nicolás Maduro regime’s speech, which they believe is intended to create a scenario of violence in the lead-up to the presidential elections on July 28.

According to Neirlay Andrade, a member of the PCV Political Bureau, Chavismo is attempting to encourage abstention by using fear-mongering tactics and spreading despair among the population.

At a press conference in Caracas, Andrade highlighted the regime’s continued hostility towards political activists and the arbitrary closure of small businesses as tactics to discourage citizen participation. “We are talking regarding provocations, arbitrary arrests,” he warned. He also noted that “opinion matrices are being created aimed at sowing doubts regarding the outcome of the electoral process,” which is accompanied by derogatory language towards those who question the government.

The PCV, which supports the presidential candidacy of opposition candidate Enrique Márquez, also rejected government propaganda that portrays the upcoming elections as a confrontation between a “socialist pole” and a “capitalist pole.”

“There is no socialism in Venezuela, and this government is not only not socialist, but increasingly reactionary. It serves the business elites with their neoliberal adjustment package, which condemns millions of Venezuelan families to a situation of unprecedented precariousness and has caused the mass migration of thousands of Venezuelans who had to leave our country to sell their labor force under better conditions,” said Andrade.

Additionally, Andrade pointed out that the PCV believes Chavismo’s tactics will not have a significant effect on the citizenry, as they are confident that the Venezuelan people continue to believe in voting as a tool for overcoming the crisis. “The Venezuelan people have placed their vote as the key to getting out of this catastrophe,” he said.

Nicolás Maduro at a campaign event in Venezuela on July 6 (Photo: EuropaPress)

The PCV also described Maduro’s oil policy as “harmful to national sovereignty” by granting concessions to foreign companies in the sector, such as the American Chevron, according to a press release issued by the party on Tuesday.

“The Government of Nicolás Maduro has become a foreman of Chevron and transnational capital, while he negotiates and steals the nation’s wealth, “It condemns oil industry workers to deplorable conditions,” Andrade was quoted as saying in the note.

The member of the PCV Political Bureau said that Chevron’s concession to operate in the Caribbean nation is a “violation” of the Constitution, without specifying which articles or points of the constitution it violates.

And he said that this situation extends to the basic companies of Guayana, in the state of Bolívar (south), in which “transnational capitals obtain large profits, while thousands of workers remain with miserable incomes and are prevented from joining their jobs, under the atrocious figure of disabled workers”.

Last April, the United States reversed the partial lifting of restrictions on Venezuelan oil and gas exports, ordered six months earlier, in response to what it considers a failure by the Venezuelan regime to comply with electoral commitments.

The US Treasury Department issued License 44A, which requires foreign companies that want to do business with state-owned oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa) to apply for individual authorizations that will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The restrictions do not affect Chevron’s operations in Venezuela, which has had a special license since 2022, when the war in Ukraine disrupted the global crude market.

(With information from EFE)

Venezuelan Communist Party Raises Concerns About Maduro’s Election Strategy

The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) has expressed its worries regarding the Nicolás Maduro regime’s actions, which they claim are aimed at creating a climate of violence and discouraging voter participation in the upcoming presidential elections scheduled for July 28th.

PCV Accuses Maduro Regime of Promoting Fear and Abstention

Neirlay Andrade, a member of the PCV Political Bureau, alleges that Chavismo is attempting to manipulate public opinion by spreading fear and hopelessness, ultimately leading to greater voter apathy. In a press conference held in Caracas, Andrade highlighted the regime’s alleged tactics, including intimidation of political activists and the arbitrary closure of small businesses. He stated, “We are witnessing provocations, arbitrary arrests, and the creation of opinion matrices to sow doubt regarding the electoral process.” Andrade went on to say that the regime uses derogatory language once morest anyone who questions their authority.

PCV Condemns Government Propaganda and Oil Policy

The PCV, which supports the presidential candidacy of opposition candidate Enrique Márquez, rejects the government’s portrayal of the upcoming elections as a battle between “socialism” and “capitalism.” Andrade emphatically declared, “There is no socialism in Venezuela, and this government is not only not socialist, but is also increasingly reactionary. It serves the business elites with its neoliberal adjustment package, which has condemned millions of Venezuelan families to a situation of precariousness never seen before and led to the mass migration of thousands of Venezuelans who had to leave our country to sell their labor force under better conditions.”

The PCV further accuses the Maduro government of damaging national sovereignty by granting oil concessions to foreign companies, such as American Chevron. Andrade describes this as a “violation” of the Venezuelan Constitution, arguing that the government has become a “foreman of Chevron and transnational capital” while “negotiating and stealing the nation’s wealth,” all while subjecting oil workers to “deplorable conditions.”

PCV Expresses Confidence in Venezuelan People

The PCV remains optimistic regarding the Venezuelan people’s commitment to using voting as a means to overcome the ongoing crisis. Despite the government’s efforts, Andrade believes that the citizens continue to see voting as a vital tool for change: “The Venezuelan people have placed their vote as the key to getting out of this catastrophe.”

US Sanctions and Chevron’s Operations

The complex issue of US sanctions and their impact on Venezuela’s oil industry adds another layer to the situation. While the US has reversed the partial lifting of restrictions on Venezuelan oil and gas exports, Chevron has been operating under a special license since 2022. This decision came at a time when the war in Ukraine disrupted global crude markets.


The Venezuelan Communist Party’s concerns regarding the Maduro regime’s perceived manipulation of the elections, coupled with its critique of the government’s oil policy, raise important questions regarding the upcoming presidential elections. While the PCV remains hopeful that Venezuelans will utilize their vote to bring regarding positive change, the country faces a complex political and economic environment. The upcoming elections will undoubtedly have lasting consequences for Venezuela’s future.



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