Total suspension of classes in six regions – La Discusión 2024-07-09 19:33:33

Due to the two meteorological warnings for frontal systems affecting the national territory, the Disaster Risk Management Committee (Cogrid) decided to apply the total suspension of classes in the regions of Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana and O’Higgins for this Thursday, June 13 and Friday, June 14. Ñuble was later added to them.

This measure is in addition to the total suspension of classes that had already been applied for the Biobío region, due to the State of Catastrophe that governs that region, and which will continue this Thursday, June 13 and Friday, June 14.

SAccording to the Ministry of Education, this preventive suspension of classes in the five regions is valid for educational establishments at all levels (preschools, primary education and secondary education) and for all providers (municipal, Local Public Education Services, subsidized private, paid private and delegated administration).

The acting Minister of the Interior, Manuel Monsalve, explained that this measure was adopted to safeguard the health of students in the face of the frontal system that is expected to affect the area on Thursday and Friday.

Regarding higher education, Monsalve said that, given the autonomy, “the suggestion is made, as a result of the climatic event and the risk that this implies, to suspend classes as far as possible.”

Arauco Province the most affected

Of the regions most affected by the passage of the frontal system, Biobío is the one that has recorded the greatest number of emergencies.

On Wednesday followingnoon, a video recorded the calypso of a house in Curanilahue, due to a sinkhole caused by the intense rains left by the frontal system.

For this reason, the Minister (s) of the Interior, Manuel Monsalve, headed the Disaster Risk Management Committee (Cogrid) in the Biobío region, one of the areas most affected by water, where the aforementioned commune is located.

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