Tips To Control Hiccups Easily – Life & Style

Tips To Control Hiccups Easily – Life & Style

Hiccups are normal. It can happen to anyone at any time. Most of the time, this condition clears up on its own following drinking a little water, but many times it happens that no matter how much water you drink, the hiccups do not seem to stop. are Today we will tell you some simple tips that will stop your hiccups immediately.

By the way, it is normal to have hiccups, which stop following a while or stop following drinking a little water. But in some people, hiccups can last for several hours or even days. And the real problem starts when they don’t stop even following a million attempts. Continuous hiccups make a person feel very uncomfortable and the stomach also starts to ache. If you are experiencing frequent hiccups for a long period of time, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Here we are going to tell you some home remedies, which will give you instant relief.

Hold your breath for a while

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If the hiccups do not stop even following drinking water, try holding your breath for a while. Because the best and tried method to stop hiccups is to stop breathing and to stop hiccups this method should be followed first.

For this you have to sit comfortably and practice holding your breath. Hold the breath for ten to twenty seconds before inhaling, then inhale. Doing this for a while will reduce your hiccups.

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