Customer delivered grenade to recycling station in Drammen

According to general manager Johan Rune Remmen for the Drammen region IKS, a customer has handed over the grenade where hazardous waste is delivered, and then left, writes Drammens Tidende.

– We have had similar situations before, but then it was a practice grenade without explosives. Now we have to find out whether this is a replica of a grenade or not, but it can be difficult to see, says Remmen.

The area was closed down and evacuated at 2pm on Monday. Now it is up to the Armed Forces to handle the situation.

– Right now we are working on interpreting the images, so that the reporting party and the police can get advice on how to deal with the discovery, says spokesperson Jonny Karlsen at the Norwegian Armed Forces’ operational headquarters to the newspaper at 5.30pm.

Personnel from the Norwegian Armed Forces will retrieve and possibly destroy the grenade. However, it can take time, according to Karlsen.

– The armed forces have limited personnel available for such missions, especially considering that it is holiday time and these are specially trained personnel. But we are trying to get this done as soon as possible, even if we cannot give an exact time estimate at the moment.

Just before 9 p.m., Karlsen writes to NTB that a team of explosive ordnance disposal officers from the Norwegian Armed Forces is on its way to the recycling station to collect the grenade.

#Customer #delivered #grenade #recycling #station #Drammen
2024-07-09 06:26:10



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