World Poetry Festival began this Monday in Mérida

In Mérida, the World Poetry Festival, 8th edition, began with poetry recitals starring students from XNUMX high schools, located in the municipalities of Libertador (Mérida), Campo Elías (Ejido) and Santos Marquina (Tabay), who received the poetry workshop. the Juan Calzadilla National Poetry School.

For a week, recitals, readings of texts by Venezuelan poets, and a conversation in tribute to the poet Leonardo Ruíz will be held, said Yuri Patiño, poet, and part of the team of the Fund for Cultural Development of the state of Mérida (Fundecem).

“From Monday the 8th to Saturday the 13th, in different municipalities and community spaces, the programming of this event will take place in Mérida. On Wednesday, the main day of the festival, we will be joined by international poets from countries such as Argentina, Cuba, Italy, Colombia, along with local and regional poets, who we will be reciting at 4 pm at the Museum of Colonial Art,” he explained. .

He added that a recital will take place in solidarity with the Palestinian people, to raise the voice of resistance once morest the genocide that is happening in this brother country. “We are very happy because the country dresses with words, with poetry and, of course, the country in the heart,” said Patiño.

Juan Calzadilla National Poetry School

For her part, Karelyn Buenaño, poet and facilitator of the Escuela Nacional de Poesía Juan Calzadilla school in Mérida, said that it has been “a beautiful experience guiding middle school students with free workshops and stable groups.”

In this regard, Patiño pointed out that under the Robinsonian methodology of Juan Antonio Calzadilla, “we come to the spaces of the high schools to sow the seed of poetry and see the world, the sensitivity and the identity of Venezuela differently through the reading of the great teachers, in Mérida, we have eight spaces in different high schools, which have benefited 156 students to whom, today (Monday), we gave their certificate of participation and they read their works.”

A poetry reading was also shared with the 3rd place winner of the national poetry contest, Leandro Mora, a 4th year student at Liceo Tulio Febres Cordero. “Poetry is in the country and we believe that it is a project and an effort made by the Bolivarian Government, which is sovereignty and identity through the word of youth,” Patiño highlighted.

Breider Rangel, a student at the Simón Rodríguez Technical School in the Libertador municipality (Mérida) and participant in the poetry workshop, described that for a year they learned different techniques to write poetry.

He recounted one of the poetry exercises that he shared this Monday. “The sea is the reflection of the blue sky. The sky is the friend of the sea. In each wave lives a story that is portrayed in the sky. Like when the sea moves, the sky accompanies it. That is why the sky and the sea will always meet. They are inseparable soul brothers seeking clarity. When the sky changes color, the sea reproduces it without fail (…)”

For Ricmary Toro, a student in the poetry workshop, poetry allows her to express feelings such as love and heartbreak.

#World #Poetry #Festival #began #Monday #Mérida
2024-07-09 05:45:09



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