IAS Transforms Aviation Support Services on a Global Scale – 2024-07-09 03:02:20

PT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi carries the vision of becoming a professional and competent aviation support service provider in Indonesia and the region. (DOK IAS)

PT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi or known as InJourney Aviation Services (IAS), carries the vision of becoming a professional and competent aviation support service provider in Indonesia and the region. IAS, which was legally established on January 4, 2024, is determined to become a central force in the aviation industry.

IAS was formed from the consolidation of nine subsidiaries under PT Angkasa Pura I and PT Angkasa Pura II. IAS operates in 55 cities with 155 work areas throughout Indonesia and has 4 business portfolios with 12 business services.

The four business portfolios run by IAS include Ground Handling & Cargo Terminal, Logistics, Hospitality and Operations Support.

This merger process has been and will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. IAS, AP1, and AP2 together continue to coordinate with relevant ministries/institutions and stakeholders to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, including employment aspects.

On the other hand, IAS, which is strengthened by approximately 36 thousand employees throughout Indonesia, will create value creation that will bring the company to grow more rapidly and IAS ensures that all merger processes will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, namely Law Number 40 of 2007 and still refers to the Regulation of the Minister of BUMN No. PER-2/MBU/03/2023 of 2023, which regulates corporate governance, asset management, and strategic policies of BUMN so that this merger process brings great benefits to all parties, especially for all employees, stakeholders and customers.

Through strong transformation and synergy, supported by team competence and IAS DNA, namely #ElevateAviationJourney, IAS is targeted to become a central force in providing airport and airline support services for the growth of the Indonesian tourism industry. For that, IAS is ready to become a Top 10 Global Player in the aviation support service industry.

“Through transformation, synergy and the spirit of #ElevateAviationJourney, IAS will become a central force in providing airport and airline support services for the growth of Indonesia’s tourism industry,” said InJourney Aviation Services President Director, Dendi T Danianto, Thursday (4/7). (Z-6)

#IAS #Transforms #Aviation #Support #Services #Global #Scale



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