Occupations divide Avs, Ignazio Marino divorces Carola Rackete –

Angela Bruni

Of the six MEPs, four will sit with the Greens/ALE group. In the tenth legislature, only Ilaria Salis and Domenico Lucano will go to the Left group. The decision of the former mayor of Rome Ignazio Marino, head of the list in the Central Italy constituency, weighed heavily, as he immediately distanced himself from his comrades and joined his old environmentalist friends. This is not a surprising position, considering his battles for the environment during the days when he was at the helm of the Campidoglio. Also joining the administrator is Benedetta Scuderi, a name sponsored by the former minister Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, fourth in the North West, but in thanks to the resignations of Salis and Lucano, who opted for other constituencies, in order to have her elected. Despite this, the environmentalist originally from Agropoli believes she has a past that has nothing to do with the battles of the housing movement. Cristina Guarda is also on the same line, in Europe thanks to the consensus of the North East.

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The last to dissolve the reservations is the former mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando, who abandons Yes and openly sides with the force of Bonelli. In any case, sources within the Green-Sinister Alliance underline, the common electoral program will be followed. A coordination table is planned between the six elected MEPs. The truth, however, is that the Greens/EFA group in Europe rises to 54 members, while that of the left remains at 39. Also weighing on the Greens’ recent stomach aches regarding the battles of the Salis family.

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The policy on housing to be invaded for the weak would not completely convince the loyalists of what was once the party of the laughing sun. The only thing that unites them, in Italy, is the sole desire to have weight compared to the stronger allies. Even in this sense, however, the two partners of Avs have started two separate negotiations regarding the relationship with the pentastellati of Giuseppe Conte. As revealed by Pecoraro Scanio, the greens would have an agreement already in the drawer, while Fratoianni would be waiting both for the OK from Brussels, and for confirmation regarding some boxes in the main supra-municipal bodies to which Nicoloni’s reds would aspire.

#Occupations #divide #Avs #Ignazio #Marino #divorces #Carola #Rackete #Tempo
2024-07-08 22:17:17



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