Check when the next long weekend will be in our country

We are now entering the seventh month of the year, often considered the most challenging due to winter and low temperatures. Holidays are perfect for staying home, especially when it’s raining.

In mid-July, there will be a holiday during the week that might lead many to opt for a long weekend, allowing them to enjoy four days with the sole responsibility of being with their family.

Remaining holidays in Chile this 2024


  • Tuesday 16: Day of the Virgin of Carmen


  • Thursday 15th: Assumption of the Virgin


  • Wednesday 18th: National Holidays (Non-waivable)
  • Thursday 19th: Army Day (Non-negotiable)
  • Friday 20th: Additional holiday for National Holidays by Law


  • Saturday 12th: Meeting of two worlds
  • Sunday 27: Municipal Elections, Governors and Regional Councilors (Non-waivable)
  • Thursday 31st: Day of Evangelical and Protestant Churches


  • Friday 01: All Saints Day
  • Sunday 24: Second round of elections (Non-negotiable)


  • Sunday 8: Immaculate Conception’s Day
  • Wednesday 25th: Christmas

Remaining Holidays in Chile for 2024 – Plan Your Year Ahead

The year is quickly approaching its midpoint, with the first half of 2024 already in the books. As we delve into the second half of the year, most of us are looking forward to the remaining holidays scattered throughout the months ahead.

Many of these holidays offer fantastic opportunities for long weekends or even extended vacations. Whether you prefer a peaceful escape or a lively adventure, Chile offers a diverse range of experiences to enjoy during these festive periods. Let’s explore the remaining holidays in Chile for 2024, providing you with the necessary information to plan your upcoming adventures.

Here is a comprehensive list of all remaining holidays in Chile throughout 2024:


  • Tuesday, July 16th: Day of the Virgin of Carmen (Día de la Virgen del Carmen). This religious holiday commemorates the Virgin Mary, the patron saint of Chile.


  • Thursday, August 15th: Assumption of the Virgin (Asunción de la Virgen). This Christian holiday celebrates the assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven.


  • Wednesday, September 18th: National Holidays (Fiestas Patrias) (Non-waivable). This is a major national holiday, commemorating Chile’s independence from Spain. Many businesses close, and it is a popular time for gatherings, BBQs, and traditional Chilean celebrations.
  • Thursday, September 19th: Army Day (Día del Ejército) (Non-negotiable). This day recognizes the role of the Chilean Army in national defense.
  • Friday, September 20th: Additional Holiday for National Holidays by Law. This holiday is a legal extension of the National Holidays celebrations.


  • Saturday, October 12th: Meeting of Two Worlds (Día del Encuentro de Dos Mundos). This holiday celebrates the encounter between Indigenous Chilean cultures and Spanish colonists.
  • Sunday, October 27th: Municipal Elections, Governors and Regional Councilors (Non-waivable). Chileans gather to vote in this crucial electoral process.
  • Thursday, October 31st: Day of Evangelical and Protestant Churches (Día de las Iglesias Evangélicas y Protestantes). This holiday recognizes the contributions of these Christian denominations in Chile.


  • Friday, November 1st: All Saints’ Day (Día de Todos los Santos). This day is marked by visits to cemeteries and the remembrance of deceased loved ones.
  • Sunday, November 24th: Second Round of Presidential Elections (Non-negotiable) (If applicable). Chileans participate in a potential second round of presidential elections if required.


  • Sunday, December 8th: Immaculate Conception’s Day (Día de la Inmaculada Concepción). This Catholic holiday commemorates the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.
  • Wednesday, December 25th: Christmas (Navidad). Chileans celebrate this holiday with family gatherings, festive meals, and gift-giving.

Remember to consider local variations and specific business closures when planning your travels around these holidays. Many aspects of daily life in Chile will be affected by these holiday periods, so being aware of potential changes is crucial for smooth travel and a pleasant experience.



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