Sport: UEFA could ban the Turkish defender for two matches because of his goal joy referring to the Gray Wolves

Sport: UEFA might ban the Turkish defender for two matches because of his goal joy referring to the Gray Wolves |

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July 2024. 05. 11:09 July 2024. 05. 11:21 Sports

Although the decision has not yet been officially confirmed, a diplomatic scandal is already brewing in Turkey.

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The Hungarian national football team reached the European Championship for the third time in a row. Marco Rossi’s team was placed in Group A alongside hosts Germany, Switzerland and Scotland. Follow the continental tournament with us, you can find out regarding the most important news in our series of articles!

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According to some press reports, UEFA has decided, Merih Demiral has been banned for two European matches, which means that the defender of the Turkish team cannot play in the quarter-finals once morest the Dutch, and if the Turkish national team advances, then not in the semi-finals either – writes a

The player celebrated the second of the two goals he scored in the match once morest the Austrians by making a wolf’s head with his hand. Since it can be linked to the far-right Turkish paramilitary organization, the Gray Wolves, its ban has been proposed several times in Germany, which hosts the European Championship, and although this has not yet happened, in Austria a fine of up to 4,000 euros (1.5 million forints) can be imposed for its use. can also go.

Although the Bild treats the ban as a fact, according to other sources no final decision has been made on the matter. In any case, even the unconfirmed news of the ban caused serious indignation in Turkey, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs finds UEFA’s investigation unacceptable, and the German ambassador was summoned.

As we wrote, this is not the first time that UEFA has opened an investigation due to a hand gesture, for example, the European accreditation of a Kosovar journalist was revoked because he provoked the Serbian fans by forming an eagle with his hands, and the Albanian Mirlind Daku was banned for two matches because he chanted anti-Serbian rhymes with the fans following the group match once morest Croatia.

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The Patriots for Europe became the third largest faction of the European Parliament, in which, in addition to Jordan Bardella, Gál Kinga was also given an important position.

On what basis does Viktor Orbán present himself as the European Union’s peace ambassador? – this is what Gergely Gulyás tried to explain in a significant part of Monday’s government briefing.

“We are neither a political party nor a nominating organization, nor do we exercise public authority,” wrote Átlátszó.

Social psychologist Robert B. Cialdini summarized the basic principles and toolkit of effective persuasion in his book Impact, the expanded edition of which we have just published.



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