Estonia Transfers Mistrals to Kyiv. Ukraine Receives Promised MANPADS and Missiles

“We confirm the arrival in Ukraine of the Mistral short-range air defense missile systems and corresponding missiles provided by Estonia,” the statement on the department’s social media page reads.

In June, an agreement was announced between Estonia, France, Belgium, Hungary and Cyprus on the purchase of Mistral air defense systems. The document was signed by the parties at the beginning of a meeting of the five countries’ defense ministers in Paris. The document formalized a number of EU initiatives to support Kyiv, including arms supplies, training of Ukrainian troops, demining, and cooperation in combating cyber and hybrid threats.

As the Estonian Defense Ministry later reported, the agency will transfer Mistral launchers and missiles to Kyiv as part of a new military aid package. The exact number of anti-aircraft missile systems and ammunition was not disclosed for security reasons.

“We have put together the aid package in such a way that Ukraine will benefit from it as much as possible,” said Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur. He added that Tallinn would try to restore the necessary supplies of air defense systems as soon as possible.

Against the backdrop of military aid to Kyiv, the Estonian Defense Forces are short 1.6 billion euros to repel a possible enemy attack. According to a report with recommendations by the country’s Defense Forces Commander Martin Herem, these funds are needed to destroy enemy weapons and units at the approaches to the country’s border. Thus, to repel the first attack, over 800 ATACMS missiles, approximately 500 227-millimeter guided rockets, over 25,000 artillery shells and a thousand precision-guided missiles will be needed.

In addition, the Estonian Ministry of Defence complained regarding a shortage of funds due to the purchase of shells. According to the Vice Chancellor of the Defence Ministry for Defence Planning Tiina Uudeberg, the ministry had to postpone the purchase of transport and communications equipment and reduce its participation in foreign missions.

#Estonia #Transfers #Mistrals #Kyiv #Ukraine #Receives #Promised #MANPADS #Missiles
2024-07-08 17:26:15



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