Netanyahu’s friend fails in French elections | News


Paris – The French legislative elections produced several surprises in the second round, most notably the failure of the far-right to win the elections following topping the first round. They had hoped for a majority that would allow them to form the government, but the leftist grouping “New Popular Front” emerged as the winner, leaving Marine Le Pen’s party in third place behind French President Emmanuel Macron’s party.

One of the most notable results was the defeat of French-Israeli MP Meir Habib in the race to represent the French abroad. He lost to Caroline Yadan, representing Macron’s “Together for the Republic” party.

Habib, who is under security protection, has never concealed his close ties with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He is considered by French media to be a voice of Likud in France, focusing mainly on issues concerning French Jews without much regard for French citizens residing in other countries.

Since October 7, Meir Habib has been a vocal defender of Israel, making frequent appearances on French talk shows and engaging in public disputes in parliament to defend Israeli actions.

He previously publicly criticized Frédéric Journes, the French ambassador to Israel, for speaking regarding ethnic cleansing in the West Bank, stating that it is not possible to talk regarding Jewish settlements in the West Bank because “the Jew is a landowner and not a settler.”

The former French parliamentarian holds significant influence due to his close association with Netanyahu. No French politician or official can establish ties with Israel without first forging a relationship with him. He was the reason that Macron did not meet with Netanyahu when he was Minister of Economy in 2015, and the French president has taken him on his plane during all of his visits to Tel Aviv.

The Republicans, represented by Meir Habib, only secured 45 seats in the French parliament, following a split within the party due to the alliance of party leader Eric Ciotti with the far-right National Rally party. Senior party leaders opposed this alliance, arguing that it did not align with the republican principles that have guided the classical right since the era of General de Gaulle.


Paris- The French legislative elections resulted in many surprises in the second round, most notably the failure of the far right to win the elections following coming in first place during the first round, hoping for a majority that would enable it to form the government, before the leftist grouping “New Popular Front” came in first, leaving the party Marine Le Pen Third behind the French President’s party Emmanuel Macron.

One of the most notable results of these legislative elections was the failure of French-Israeli MP Meir Habib to win the seat allocated to represent the French abroad following his defeat by Caroline Yadan, representative of the All for the Republic party, Macron’s party.

Habib, who lives under security protection, never hides his close ties with his friend, the Israeli Prime Minister. Benjamin Netanyahuwhich was considered by French media outlets as a voice Likud In France, where his activity is limited to talking regarding French Jews without paying attention to French people residing in other countries.

Since October 7, Meir Habib has been playing the role of a fierce defender of Israel, as he has been a semi-regular guest on French talk shows, in addition to his public quarrels in parliament to defend Israeli crimes.

He previously publicly criticized the French ambassador to the occupying state, Frederic Journes, because he spoke of ethnic cleansing in West Bank…considering that it is not possible to talk regarding Jewish settlement in the West Bank because “the Jew is a landowner and not a settler.”

The former French parliamentarian has great influence due to his close proximity to Netanyahu. No French politician or official can establish a relationship with Israel without establishing a relationship with him personally. He was the reason Macron did not meet with Netanyahu when the former was Minister of Economy in 2015, which is why the French president took him on his plane on all his visits to Tel Aviv.

The Republicans, represented by Meir Habib, only won 45 seats in the French parliament, following the party split due to the alliance of party leader Eric Ciotti with the far-right National Rally party, while the party’s senior leaders rejected this alliance, considering that it did not represent the republican principles on which the classical right was based since the era of General De Gaulle.

The French Electoral System

The French electoral system is a two-round system, meaning that if no candidate wins a majority of the vote in the first round, a second round is held between the top two candidates. This system is designed to ensure that the elected candidate has a strong mandate from the electorate. The system is also designed to encourage candidates to form alliances in order to reach a majority in the second round. In the recent legislative elections, the “New Popular Front” formed an alliance between the Socialist Party, the Green Party, and the Communist Party. This alliance was able to win a majority of seats in the National Assembly.

Meir Habib’s Influence

Meir Habib’s defeat in the recent legislative elections is a significant development. Habib was a vocal supporter of Israel and was considered to be a powerful voice for the Israeli lobby in France. His defeat suggests that the French electorate is increasingly critical of Israeli policies and that the influence of the pro-Israel lobby is waning. The fact that Macron took Habib on his plane on all his visits to Tel Aviv is a testament to the power that Habib held in French politics. His defeat might signal a change in the way that France approaches its relationship with Israel.

Impact on France-Israel Relations

The defeat of Meir Habib might have a significant impact on France-Israel relations. Habib was considered to be a close ally of the Israeli government and his absence from parliament might make it more difficult for the Israeli government to exert influence over French policy. The French government is likely to be more sensitive to the concerns of the Palestinian people, especially in the wake of the recent tensions in the West Bank. This might lead to a shift in French policy towards a more balanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Future of the French Right

The split within the Republican Party is a worrying sign for the future of the French right. The alliance between the Republican Party and the National Rally party is a reflection of the growing influence of the far right in French politics. The Republican Party is now facing an existential crisis. It is unclear whether the party will be able to adapt to the changing political landscape in France.


The French legislative elections were a major turning point in French politics. The failure of the far right to win the elections and the defeat of Meir Habib are significant developments that might lead to a shift in French policy towards Israel and a change in the political landscape of the French right. Only time will tell what the long-term implications of these changes will be.

However, it is important to note that these developments are not necessarily a sign of a major shift in French foreign policy. Macron’s government is still committed to strong ties with Israel, and the French government is likely to continue to support Israel’s security interests. It is also important to remember that the French electorate is divided on the issue of Palestine and that there is still a strong pro-Israel lobby in France. The future of France-Israel relations will depend on the actions of both governments and the ability of the two countries to find common ground on the issues that divide them.



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