“Oppressive heat and peaks over 40 degrees”. Where – The Weather

Summer is now making itself felt and next week does not promise anything good. It seems that the great heat will dominate the weather forecast for all seven days. This is good news for those at the seaside or in the mountains enjoying moments of carefreeness. A little less so for all the Italians who still have to wait a little while before going on holiday. “The high pressure is strengthening and has every intention of remaining stationary for several days over Italy, giving us a week full of sun and, above all, with increasing sultry heat”, anticipated Colonel Mario Giuliacci on meteogiuliacci.it.

Everything disappears, the date of the weather-turning point. The forecasts of Sottocorona

From North to South, the thermometer columns will start to show high values. In particular, the days to mark in red on the calendar will be those between Monday 8 and Friday 12 July. However, there will be some instability. In the Alpine areas, in fact, there will be “clouds and some thunderstorms”, the atmospheric physicist specified. However, he clarified that these clouds will be “thunderstorms” and therefore will not affect the plains of the North. “Ideal weather especially for those who are leaving or are already on vacation”, the meteorologist assured.

Stormy break, the heat doesn't last long: the dates to mark

We must therefore wait for the passage of “hot air masses”. “Temperatures and mugginess will increase”, the expert said clearly. Which regions will be in which the heat will be persistent? In the South and on the Islands, where “we will exceed 30 degrees with peaks of 37-38 degrees”. In the following days, then, “the heat will become really intense, at times oppressive”, he concluded.

#Oppressive #heat #peaks #degrees #Weather
2024-07-08 13:11:12



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