MOPC will receive offers for rehabilitation and maintenance of 325 km of the national road network

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Companies interested in carrying out rehabilitation and maintenance works on approximately 325.2 km of the national road network in the Eastern and Western regions of the country may submit their bids on Monday, July 8 at 9:00 a.m., at the Single Entry Desk of the Ministry of Public Works. Then, at 9:30 a.m., the official opening ceremony is scheduled to take place on the third floor, in the institution’s auditorium.

This is the so-called MOPC No. 03/2024 “International Public Tender with ID No. 449,192”, which is emerging as one of the most significant initiatives undertaken in terms of road improvement by the current MOPC administration.

The contract period is 18 months, divided into 12 months for the rehabilitation phase and 6 months for the maintenance phase. The total investment is estimated at G. 135,791,972,152, to be financed by the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, as part of the “Road Reconstruction and Integration Corridor Improvement Program CFA 8729”.

The 325.2 km of the project are divided into three strategic lots: Lot 1 comprises 68.2 km of the PY19 route, from the Villeta section (Central) and km 40 to Alberdi (Ñeembucú).

Similarly, Lot 2 covers 82 km of the route PY13, from Curuguaty to Villa Ygatimí and Ypejhú, in Canindeyú,

While Lot 3 covers 175 km from the town of Mcal. Estigarribia to the La Patria ranch on route PY09, and from there to Infante Rivarola on D092, in the department of Boquerón, Chaco.

The project adopts an innovative and transparent procurement model based on fixed unit prices. In this scheme, the MOPC establishes a detailed list of tasks with predetermined prices.

The final cost of the project will be calculated by multiplying these prices by the work actually carried out, thus ensuring efficient management of resources and greater flexibility in the event of unforeseen events. This approach allows for precise budget control and ensures that each guaraní invested translates into tangible improvements for the country’s roads, the Ministry of Public Works reported.

#MOPC #receive #offers #rehabilitation #maintenance #national #road #network
2024-07-08 05:19:24



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